Monthly Archives: September 2009

Speaking of digging for stuff… Try docking this one!

Happy Wednesday all! The new Visual Instruction Lantern Slide set for this week is all showing off the many ways Oregon works! Check out these glass lantern slides, many of them hand-colored, showing Oregon industries from 1905 to 1910.

Boats, ports, barns, fish, and some beautiful shots of Oregon scenery.

Try stacking one more!

Digging for History?

OSU Archaeology students sift through Fort Yamhill’s history and examine the remains of stone oven at Bake House site…

“A group of students from Oregon State University’s Archaeology Field School has unearthed the latest in a series of Fort Yamhill attractions, foundational remains of the long-gone Bake House’s stone oven, which served scores of officers and soldiers from the prestatehood years of the 1850s through Oregon’s early years to the fort’s closure in 1866.”

“This is archaeology in action right there in our own backyards,” said Matt Huerter, an interpretive ranger at the park. “People can have direct evidence that the military was here over 150 years ago.” Huerter combines his enthusiasm for the history of the area with a great willingness to share in the excitement with the students. “It’s very cool,” he said several times of the student work.

“Those grounds exhibit a gamut of lessons: a bit of history bolstered by archaeology; some tempering through civics, applied mathematics as archaeology students measure angles to get an accurate reading of a dig site; a little physical outlet as visitors stretch their legs for a walking tour over the gentle hills.”

Want to know more? Check out the Statesman Journal article.

The keeper of Benton County’s history!

There is a great article in the Gazette-Times today on the Benton County Historical Society. It’s worth reading the entire thing, but I couldn’t resist posting this quote, which paints such a delightful picture…

The Benton County Historical Society’s storage building is crammed to the rafters – literally – with a bewildering assortment of artifacts. They’re lined up in rows, stacked in boxes and arrayed on shelves like the accumulated clutter of God’s own attic.

So if you ventured 5 miles west of Corvallis to Philomath, what will you find there? The collection numbers somewhere around 120,000 items, so you’ll find a lot!

Tin lizzies and horse-drawn carriages. Hand-carved bedsteads and hand-woven baskets. Wedding dresses and military uniforms. A deep-sea diver’s helmet and a telephone operator’s switchboard. A congregation of pulpits and a veritable armada of rocking chairs.”

What does Mary Gallagher, the historical society’s collections manager, think? “I think we have too many chairs, personally.” Joking aside, Gallagher and the BCHS staff take their collection and mission of preserving the history of our county very seriously! Read more and you’ll see…