Getting “Powered by Orange” — Flickr-style!

“People up and down the Willamette Valley celebrated Powered by Orange on Monday as events in Portland and Corvallis brought people together to celebrate the many contributions of Oregon State University. From free cupcakes in the Memorial Union Quad to a night of jazz at Jimmy Mak’s in Portland, the day was full of ways to demonstrate how Oregon is Powered by Orange!”

And, in keeping with all of OSU’s love of Flickr … There is a great set of images from the Oregon State University’s account from Monday’s events!

What’s Powered by Orange?

“You are Powered by Orange – the students, alumni, faculty and friends of Oregon State University – making a positive difference in Oregon and beyond. Conserving our natural resources. Finding better ways to generate clean energy. Addressing climate change with sensible science. Promoting healthy living and disease prevention. Feeding a hungry world. Protecting our water supplies. Driving innovation to create new products, new companies and greater prosperity. And living the land-grant mission to provide education and opportunity for all Oregonians.”

Want to know more? Check out OSU’s Powered by Orange site!

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