“The Living Legacy of Colegio César Chávez” Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion

Oregon Experience documentary The Living Legacy of Colegio César Chávez

On Wednesday, January 22, 2025, the Oregon Historical Society hosted the event “The Living Legacy of Colegio César Chávez Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion” as an accompaniment to the “Colegio César Chávez: The Legacy Lives On / El legado sigue vivo” exhibit at the Oregon Historical Society.

Over 230+ community members attended the event! And, the event was recorded and is available online for free via the Oregon Historical Society: video recording of “The Living Legacy of Colegio César Chávez” Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion (1 hour and 13 minutes)

The event invited the general public to join us for a screening of OPB’s new Oregon Experience documentary The Living Legacy of Colegio César Chávez. The event included a panel discussion led by documentary producer Alicia Avila, Colegio César Chávez co-founders Sonny Montes and José Romero, and PODER: Oregon’s Latino Leadership Network President, Anthony Veliz. Colegio César Chávez: The Legacy Lives On / El legado sigue vivo exhibition curator, Natalia Fernández, gave an introduction. The panelists shared their thoughts on the history and legacy of the Colegio César Chávez, ideas for the future of a Colegio 2.0, and then opened the conversation to the audience for questions. Prior to the film screening, attendees enjoyed live music from the Forest Grove High School Mariachi band and viewed the exhibition Colegio César Chávez: The Legacy Lives On / El legado sigue vivo.

Event Panelists:

Event Panelists: Alicia Avila, Sonny Montes, José Romero, and Anthony Veliz

Alicia Avila is a multilingual journalist and documentary producer based in Portland, Oregon. A common theme of her work is advocating for underrepresented communities, language justice, and accessibility. She is a champion of collaborative and community-led storytelling and leads her video production work through trauma informed practices and a bilingual, bicultural reporting lens. Her most recent work led Pacific Northwest based nonprofit, Oregon Food Bank, to transition into fully bilingual English-Spanish content. Avila is a proud first-generation Chicana born and raised in southeast Los Angeles.

Sonny Montes was one of the founders of the Colegio César Chávez, co-founded the César E. Chávez Student Leadership Conference in 1990, and was a member of the César E. Chávez Boulevard Committee in Portland, Oregon, that was successful in renaming 39th Avenue in honor of César Chávez. In 2010, he received the Distinguished Latino Educator Award from the Oregon Association of Latino Administrators.

José Romero was one of the founders of the Colegio César Chávez and co-founded the César E. Chávez Student Leadership Conference in 1990. He is a retired educator, administrator, and community activist for social justice and equality, and he is a life-long advocate for the well-being of the Chicano/Latino community. Romero taught Chicano Studies at Lane Community College and at Colegio César Chávez where he also served as Director of Academic Affairs and was Co-President.

Anthony Veliz is the founder of PODER: Oregon’s Latino Leadership Network, a nonprofit organization and collective movement of over 100 Latino-led and serving community-based organizations and private-sector businesses, plus thousands of Latinos across Oregon. Veliz is also the owner of IZO Public Relations & Marketing, a multicultural agency specializing in the Latino community; it is a People Focused, Purpose Driven agency. The son of farmworkers, Veliz is involved in the community where he lives and works, and he has a passion for public service. In August of 2023, PODER organized and sponsored a 50th anniversary community commemoration event to celebrate the history and legacy of the Colegio César Chávez.

Natalia Fernández is an Associate Professor and the Curator of the Oregon Multicultural Archives (OMA) and the OSU Queer Archives (OSQA) at the Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center. Fernández’s mission for directing the OMA and the OSQA is to work in collaboration with Oregon’s African American, Asian American, Latinx, Native American, and OSU’s LGBTIAQ+ communities to support them in preserving their histories and sharing their stories. In collaboration with Montes and Romero, she curated the exhibition Colegio César Chávez: The Legacy Lives On / El legado sigue vivo.

Event Photos:

PODER: Oregon’s Latino Leadership Network
Forest Grove High School Mariachi band performed.
Event attendees viewing the exhibit.
Standing room only for the event attendees!
Oregon Experience documentary: The Living Legacy of Colegio César Chávez

My first year (and change) at SCARC

I began working at SCARC in October 2023, during my first term at OSU. Now that I have spent a little over a year as a Student Archivist, I am able to look back and reflect on my experiences so far. When I applied to work at SCARC, I didn’t really know what an archive was, but I was excited about working in a library. My grandma was a school librarian, and I’ve always been passionate about history, so it just felt right. I don’t really remember what I expected my work to look like, but the first few months were a whirlwind. There were so many procedures and tasks to keep in mind as I began to learn how to assist researchers. My first attempt at paging books took me over an hour! But even as I needed to stop and ask for help at every turn, I was already having a lot of fun. Every day, I interact with deeply interesting historical materials, even when my task is something simple like reshelving a book. Experiencing this for the first time made me feel certain that being a student archivist was a good fit.

My first project was re-foldering Student Academic Records (SARs). I found the work almost meditative, and it was a great fit because I was new to campus and trying to find my place. Seeing the faces and stories of thousands of students who came before me was a meaningful experience and helped me feel more connected to OSU. When I held each person’s paperwork in my hands, it was like I was sitting there with them. As I transferred documents and copied name after name, I got a brief look into their aspirations, interests, and challenges. It was particularly interesting to see women who pursued non-traditional professions, the few Black students, and people who struggled academically but managed to stick it out and get their degrees. Through these individuals’ triumphs and losses, I was able to put my college experiences into perspective, and think about how much has changed in the last 70 years. Working with SARs was greatly moving, and I was a little sad to pass the project on to our newest Student Archivist. Despite this, it’s exciting to move on to more complex projects using the skills I have developed.

Another big project last year was updating the OSU Buildings LibGuide, which also helped me familiarize myself with campus and OSU history. I contributed to pages for over a hundred buildings. Now I feel that I could give an overly in-depth historical tour! I discovered that once I have a project, I tend to laser focus on getting it done, and it can be hard to balance projects with day-to-day collection management tasks. Being able to redirect my attention and keep all the different plates spinning is something I have made a lot of progress on this year. 

I’ve also been able to utilize SCARC materials in my coursework. Last term, I took SOC 360: Population Trends and Policy. For my final paper, I examined publications from Zero Population Growth (ZPG), an organization that was founded in the late 1960s and advocated for controlling population growth. I identified several articles that discussed suburban sprawl, and used them to frame land use planning discourse in the 1970s. ZPG had lots of praise for Oregon’s Senate Bill 100, which established a land use planning scheme for Oregon with 19 goals, such as protecting agricultural lands and ensuring affordable housing. Both the ZPG articles and debates around S.B. 100 show a desire to maintain the status quo and protect the “character” of neighborhoods. I argue this helps explain why S.B. 100 has been far less effective at addressing housing affordability than its other goals. The historical sources I accessed through SCARC contributed significantly to my paper. Very little information about ZPG is available online, and I was able to bring a unique perspective and story to the project through archival research. It was an interesting experience to switch roles and do research myself instead of facilitating research for others! 

When I first started at SCARC, I couldn’t imagine ever managing to remember all the protocols, or even what areas we collect materials in. A little over a year in, I feel confident in my understanding, and I am more comfortable in my interactions with patrons. I’m excited to continue learning in this supportive environment. My new project, processing photographs from News and Communication Services, is definitely pushing me out of my comfort zone, and I’m learning a lot. I anticipate this being a time-consuming project, but even though the finish line is far away, I’m feeling motivated to get there and see what comes next!

This post is contributed by Margot Pullen. She is a student archivist at the Special Collections and Archives Research Center. She studies public policy and history.

Learning About Margaret Krug Palen

As a student archivist, one of my primary projects is writing biographies for the more than one thousand individuals listed in the News and Communication Services Records. These individuals are primarily faculty and staff who were associated with Oregon State between 1940 and 2004. Oftentimes, the collection only holds an administrative document related to the individual. If I’m lucky, there might also be a CV or an article related to their professional work. While I do perform additional research to fill out a brief biography meant to communicate their birthdate, academic and professional history, and association with Oregon State, as well as to differentiate individuals with the same name, I’m still often left with only a snapshot of their life. I wish I could write detailed life stories for each individual in this collection, but alas, I am limited by time. 

Margaret Palen is an example of the many individuals I wish to learn more about. The News and Communication Services Records hold two newspaper clippings related to her suspension and eventual termination from Oregon State in the 1970s. Reading these, I wished to understand her life beyond these events as well as share her professional accomplishments. As much as this blog post is about Palen, it is also about the privilege of doing the research and filling in the historical record. 

Who was Margaret Krug Palen, and what more can we learn about her life? 

Margaret L. Palen (née Krug) was born on May 14, 1931, in Iowa. She attended Iowa State College (now Iowa State University), where she earned a bachelor’s degree in home economics in 1952. After graduating, Palen was a textile chemist for one year before becoming a home extension agent in Iowa from 1953 until 1955. That year, she joined the Oregon State staff as a county extension agent for 4-H. She resigned in 1957 after her marriage to become a homemaker, working temporarily from 1958 to 1959 to aid Marion County as an extension agent. According to Palen’s employment records, her supervisors found her work to be effective and of quality. Palen returned to Oregon State in 1966, becoming a home economics extension agent in Tillamook County. She also became a master’s student at Oregon State in the early 1970s.

Despite her tenured status, Palen was suspended, then terminated, from her job in 1972 due to ten charges filed by Lee Kolmer, head of the Cooperative Extension Service. From August-September 1972, a five-person committee conducted hearings to evaluate Kolmer’s complaints, although the members of that committee are unknown. 

During these hearings, several witnesses appeared before the committee. Among them were a number of Tillamook County residents who spoke in favor of Palen’s work in their community. Even so, the committee found four of the charges to be proven and just cause for dismissal. 

In October 1972, the faculty committee recommended that the matter would be best resolved by termination. Upon hearing this decision, OSU President Robert MacVicar fired Palen. This decision is included in the article, “Tenured Assistant Terminated” published by the Corvallis Gazette Times on December 21, 1972.

This is where the story ends in SCARC’s holdings. However, Oregon court records indicate that Palen did not succeed in protesting her suspension before the faculty hearing committee. In 1974, she appealed via the Oregon Court of Appeals, where the Board maintained that the university had just cause for dismissal. While we do not know the original seven charges, we do know these four because they were discussed in this case. They include that:

  • Palen reportedly made unsupported claims of improper and sometimes criminal conduct on the part of University administrators 
  • Palen reportedly was unwilling to cooperate with 4-H and Youth staff and leaders (that is to say, failing to adequately perform her responsibilities to the Tillamook County 4-H program)
  • Palen reportedly was unwilling to live in Tillamook County, and while the Extension Service did not present evidence of a formal written policy regarding place of residence, “Mrs. Palen had been informed of the desirability and necessity of living near her place of employment”
  • Palen reportedly refused to respond to direction from and provide a schedule of her activities to her County Chairman, claiming that she was on special assignment and not required to report to the Chairman

The Oregon Court of Appeals found the first and last charges and last “could properly conclude that petitioner’s conduct constituted cause for termination”. In the second, the Oregon Board of Education was found erred. In the third, the charge could not be sustained “because it was not proven to be one of the petitioner’s responsibilities to do so”. Therefore, the OSU president’s decision to fire Palen was upheld. 

While only listed as a staff member in Oregon State General Catalogs until the 1972-73 academic year, Palen’s name is listed in the 1974 Oregon State commencement program as a Master of Science in Education recipient (she likely graduated in Fall 1973, causing her to be listed in the 1974 program, because other documents in Oregon Digital list her graduating class as the Class of ‘73). That is to say, it appears that she still graduated from Oregon State after her termination. 

It’s difficult to trace the next decade of Palen’s life. She likely continued her career in community-oriented work outside of Oregon State. She also likely continued to raise and support her family. It’s possible that she spent some time traveling with her husband, Kenneth Palen, as his obituary states that the couple traveled to every continent and seventy-five countries of the world – an endeavor that would certainly take time to complete. 

A simple internet search of Palen’s name reveals that in the 1980s, she began her writing career. Inspired by her German family and her husband’s Scottish family’s immigration to Iowa, she authored Genealogical Research Guide to Germany in 1988, a guide for those individuals interested in tracing their ancestry. She would go on to write three related works: German Settlers of Iowa: Their Descendants and European Ancestors in 1994, Genealogical Guide to Tracing Ancestors in Germany in 1995, and Germany and Scotland Immigrants to Iowa in 2019. 

Searches in Oregon Digital reveal that Palen also continued her extension work as a volunteer executive with the International Executive Services Corporation. In 1996, she returned from a trip to Ghana, where she designed a clothing construction course for the African Women Entrepreneurial Training Centre. An image from this trip was even featured in the Oregon Stater in 1996. 

In 1999, she worked with the US Agency for International Development in Mozambique, featured in that year’s Oregon Stater

In both editions, Palen is referred to by her graduating class of 1973 and without reference to her prior employment with the university. She also continued international extension work to improve food production, textiles, and clothing, through travel to countries including Ghana, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Belarus, Bolivia, and Jamaica, described in her 2018 book A Different World: My Life and Making a Difference in the World.

When I first stumbled upon Palen’s name, I feared that she would only be remembered incompletely. Her story illustrates how important it is to paint full pictures of individuals in history, and how sometimes, preservation can be biased. Simply because the News and Communication Services Records only contains materials related to her termination, an individual utilizing these records might have a partial view of Palen. Further research shows that her dismissal from Oregon State did not stop her from continuing her career in extension work. Palen continued home economics work internationally for several decades, even earning recognition for this work from her alma mater and previous employer. It also shows other career-oriented pursuits, writing four books on the topic of genealogy and a fifth on her own life and work. 

~ Grace Knutsen

Grace Knutsen is a student archivist at Special Collections and Archives Research Center. She is an Oregon State alumna and Master of Library and Information Science student.

The “Colegio César Chávez: The Legacy Lives On / El legado sigue vivo” exhibit at the Oregon Historical Society

Colegio César Chávez, Oregon Historical Society Exhibit Website

The Oregon Historical Society is hosting the Colegio César Chávez: The Legacy Lives On / El legado sigue vivo exhibit!

  • Dates: January 10 – April 27, 2025
  • Location: Oregon Historical Society, 1200 SW Park Ave, Portland, Oregon 97205
  • Audience(s): Free for Members, Family-Friendly, Researchers, Teachers
  • Description: Located in Mt. Angel, Oregon, and in operation from 1973 to 1983, Colegio César Chávez was the first independent, four-year accredited Chicano/a college in the United States. Rooted in the Chicano/a notion of “familia,” the college offered a unique and innovative educational philosophy that incorporated a holistic, integrated, community-based approach for students whose needs were not being met by traditional educational institutions. This bilingual exhibition highlights Colegio César Chávez’s significance and legacy by exploring the national and local context for its establishment, its educational philosophy and structure, as well as and the challenges it faced and how it overcame them.
  • Credits and Online Access: Colegio César Chávez: The Legacy Lives On / El legado sigue vivo was curated by Natalia Fernández, Associate Professor and Curator of the Oregon Multicultural Archives and OSU Queer Archives within the Oregon State University Special Collections and Archives Research Center. Digital copies of the exhibition panels are available via Oregon State University’s digital asset management system Oregon Digital.
  • More Information: Oregon Historical Society Colegio César Chávez: The Legacy Lives On / El legado sigue vivo exhibit website (note: this link will not be active once the exhibit closes)

We have numerous blog posts related to the Colegio César Chávez exhibit and related events – be sure to check them out!

Radio Interview via The Jefferson Exchange

On February 3, 2025, Jefferson Public Radio interviewed Natalia Fernández for a 15 minute segment about the exhibit! In the interview, Fernández discusses her work as an archivist as well as the exhibition. She shared that the college‘s primary goal was to provide equal education opportunities for Chicano/a and minority students through a bilingual, bicultural curriculum and experiential learning. With the exhibition, Fernández hopes to honor and share this significant history, to highlight the “incredible foundation of social justice advocacy for us to learn from,“ and that people take away the “inspiring legacy for us to continue.”  

Exhibit Photos

New Finding Aids: October – December 2024

SCARC completed 2 new finding aids and updated 1 finding aid October – December 2024; as of the end of September, SCARC has 1151 finding aids in Archives West. And, all three collections happen to be a part of the OSU Queer Archives!

These finding aids are available through the Archives West finding aids database, the SCARC website, and the OSU Library discovery system a.k.a. “the catalog.” The links below are to the guides in Archon, SCARC’s finding aids website.

New or updated collection guides created this quarter:

Queer History Research Collection, 1960-2024

The Queer History Research Collection (QHRC) is an artificial collection containing items of interest about LGBTQ+ communities within Oregon State University and to a lesser extent, the city of Corvallis, the state of Oregon, the United States, and the World. The digital folders described in this collection are available upon request.

Queer Theatre Collection, 1974-2015

The Queer Theatre Collection is an artificial collection containing theatre materials or educational materials that have queer subjects or characters. The materials were donated to the Oregon State University (OSU) Pride Center by OSU Theatre Professor Charlotte Headrick.

OSU Rainbow Continuum Records, 1993-2021

Abstract: The Oregon State University (OSU) Rainbow Continuum Records document the administrative and outreach activities of this student group, which has been active at OSU since 1976. The purpose of the Rainbow Continuum is to provide a social and educational space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other gender or sexuality diverse (LGBTQ+) members of the OSU community and their allies. Most notably, the Rainbow Continuum hosts OSU’s annual Queer Pride Week celebration in May.

OSU Faculty Oral History Interviews, SOC 318 Assignment

During fall term 2024, SCARC collaborated with Dr. Dwaine Plaza’s course SOC 318 Qualitative Research Methods on an assignment for students to conduct oral history interviews with Oregon State University Faculty. Early in the term, the students came for an instruction session held in the SCARC Reading Room and we shared the SCARC resource Oral History Interviewing Methods & Project Management. We now have 7 new oral history interviews available for public access!

Additions to the Voices of Oregon State University Oral History Collection

  • Selina Heppell, College of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences
  • Katherine MacTavish, College of Health, Department of Human Development and Family Sciences
  • Robert Mason, College of Science, Department of Integrative Biology, J.C. Braly Curator of Vertebrates
  • Richard Mitchell, College of Liberal Arts, Department of Sociology

Additions to the Oregon Multicultural Archives Oral History Collection

  • Itchung Cheung, College of Science, Department of Integrative Biology, Hatfield Marine Science Center (HMSC)
  • Dana Sanchez, College of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences
  • Sandy Tsuneyoshi, (retired) Director, Asian & Pacific Islander American Student Services, Intercultural Student Services

“The Living Legacy of Colegio César Chávez” A Documentary by OPB

“The Living Legacy of Colegio César Chávez” OPB Documentary Artwork

The Oregon Public Broadcasting (OPB) documentary “The Living Legacy of Colegio César Chávez” (17 minutes) is now available online to the public!

Documentary producer Alicia Avila interviewed Colegio César Chávez co-founders Sonny Montes and José Romero, Anthony Veliz of PODER: Oregon’s Latino Leadership Network, and Colegio César Chávez: The Legacy Lives On / El legado sigue vivo exhibition curator Natalia Fernández, just to name a few of those included as part of the film. Additionally, the documentary features materials from the Oregon Multicultural Archives related to the Colegio César Chávez. Note: while the documentary is in English, there is a Spanish language accompanying article “El histórico colegio Chicano de Oregon continúa a inspirar a la comunidad Latine a luchar contra la borradura de su cultura”.

OPB has some additional plans in the works for 2025 including an English and a Spanish episode of a podcast about the history and making of the documentary, as well as screenings of the documentary, especially for K-12 students. One such screening is already planned for January 22nd in Portland, OR!

“The Living Legacy of Colegio César Chávez” Documentary Screening and Panel Discussion

Join us for a screening of OPB’s new Oregon Experience documentary The Living Legacy of Colegio César Chávez. The event will include a panel discussion led by documentary producer Alicia Avila, Colegio César Chávez co-founders Sonny Montes and José Romero, and Colegio César Chávez: The Legacy Lives On / El legado sigue vivo exhibition curator Natalia Fernández, which will be on view at the Oregon Historical Society in 2025. They will share a behind-the-scenes discussion about the film, the significance of Colegio’s legacy today, and open the conversation to the audience for questions.

Our Town, Mt. Angel Publishing, a 3-part series

A local reporter in Mt. Angel, Melissa Wagoner, published a 3-part print series about Colegio!

BONUS! A few behind-the-scenes photos filming the documentary in the SCARC reading room in summer of 2024. Alicia Avila and her team interviewed Sonny Montes, José Romero, and Anthony Veliz.

Summer 2024 OPB Documentary Filming
Summer 2024 OPB Documentary Filming
Summer 2024 OPB Documentary Filming

Thank you to OPB for this amazing opportunity!

“School Spirit: Building A Dam Community”, our new mini exhibit, is now on display!

This exhibit explores the ways in which Oregon State students have cultivated and celebrated their campus community since 1868. 

Amongst Oregon State’s values is community engagement to build relationships between students, faculty, staff, and more broadly, the Beaver community. One way to foster these relationships is by invoking school spirit. Some of the ways the Oregon State community enacts its school pride include wearing school colors, participating in school traditions, and representing the university through sports, clubs, and activities. 

OAC athletes, Harriet’s Photograph Collection, 1868-1996, P HC

Beavers and the colors orange and black weren’t always a part of the Oregon State community. Some reports share that in 1896, students adopted orange as the primary school color in honor of Robert Reed Gailey, a Presbyterian missionary and popular former football player for Princeton University. At the time, he was visiting the Albany Collegiate Institute (now Lewis and Clark College), whose colors were orange and black. While visiting Oregon, students from Oregon State invited him to coach the football team for several days. In his honor, they chose orange as their school color. While black wasn’t officially adopted, it was used as a background color. Now, the Oregon State community proudly wears orange and black to show school spirit.

At the time of the university’s origin, mascots served a different role in academic communities. They were more akin to class pets, and were often real animals or even people. Early Oregon State mascots included “Jimmie” the Coyote and “Doc” Bell. Bell was a member of the Board of Regents, well-known for his tradition of marching to Marys River after each of Oregon State’s rivalry game wins and throwing his hat into the water to celebrate the victory. 

The beaver was eventually adopted as Oregon State’s official mascot after the school newspaper and yearbook used the name, “The Beaver”. Reports say that in 1951, graphic illustrator Arthur Evans (who famously designed a majority of the college mascots of the twentieth century) drew the first cartoon beaver mascot for Oregon State. In 1952, student Ken Austin showed up to a school rally dressed in a hand-made Beaver costume. These first renditions of “Benny the Beaver” are the origin of Oregon State’s modern mascot. 

Ken Austin with Benny, Beaver Yearbook Photographs, 1998-2005, P003:6500.

School spirit and tradition are closely related. Traditions are often used by students to portray a sense of pride in their institution by honoring those students who came before them. While traditions may play a role in school spirit, they are not an exclusive means of promoting school pride.

Historically, some traditions have been exclusionary, whether intentionally or not. For example, in the early-mid twentieth century, freshman students (known then as “rooks” and “rookesses”) were made to wear green on Wednesdays until the ritual “Burning of the Green” at the end of the academic year. This rule was enforced by sophomores and upperclassmen.

Burning of the Green, Graham & Wells Photograph Collection, 1919-1925, P021:026.

At sporting events during this time, there were also dress codes for student spectators. These students were also not allowed to “fuss”, meaning they could not sit or mingle with students of the opposite sex at sporting events. These days, campus has moved towards a more inclusive approach, allowing students of all levels to wear whatever they wish to classes and removing clothing and gendered restrictions for students attending sporting events. 

Other traditions are still practiced today. Among them are songs and cheers used at sporting events and academic celebrations, like convocation and commencement. The “Spirit and Sound of OSU”, Oregon State’s marching band, helps maintain these traditions and promote school spirit by performing at campus and sporting events. While playing music, they often form impressive shapes and scenes related to their performance.

Beaver songs, MSS MC Box-Folder 177.5.

Visual representations of school spirit are not the only means of building community at Oregon State, however. Many students participate in clubs and activities, pursuing hobbies or passions while at the same time representing the university at competitions and events. There, friends, family, and fans cheer them on. 

One of the most popular ways to show school spirit is to support Beaver athletics. Baseball is one of the most popular sporting events at Oregon State, with good reason. The Beaver baseball team won back-to-back NCAA championship titles in 2006 and 2007, and again in 2018. After each win, Oregon State students and community members gathered to celebrate the team after their homecoming.

Oregon State students have also competed internationally, to the excitement of the Beaver community. In 1964, Oregon State student Jean Saubert earned a silver medal in the giant slalom and a bronze medal in the slalom in the Winter Olympics. She also participated and placed in the World Championships in 1962, 1963, 1964, and 1966 as a member of the US Ski Team. Saubert graduated from Oregon State in 1966. Her accomplishments were celebrated in 1991, when she was inducted into the university’s Hall of Fame.

Jean Saubert, MSS MC 140.9.

Other clubs and organizations in which Oregon State students have participated or competed include Greek life, music groups and clubs, cultural groups, affinity groups, and more. 

Ultimately, there’s no one way to enact school spirit. Whether you wear orange and black to show your school pride, attend a volleyball game to support the student athletes on that team, compete in philanthropy events to fundraise for a good cause, or advocate for students’ rights, school spirit is about fostering and supporting the community around you here at Oregon State. 

~ Grace Knutsen

Grace Knutsen is the lead student archivist at Special Collections and Archives Research Center. She has HBAs in history, French, and German from OSU and is an MLIS student at Indiana University Indianapolis. 

Reparative Description of the Term “Gypsy” in SCARC Collections

Roma are an ethnic group that originated in Northern India and migrated to Europe between the eighth and tenth centuries. The majority of Roma, also known as Romani, live across Europe, where they have faced persecution and segregation. During World War II, Romani were subjected to deportation, forced labor, and medical experimentation, and hundreds of thousands were executed in killing centers across Europe. This genocide decimated Roma populations and social networks, and they continued to face persecution after the war. Roma women were sterilized across Eastern Europe until the 1990s. Today, 90% of Romani in Europe live below the poverty line and face violence from other citizens and police.

Approximately one million Romani live in America. According to a 2020 Harvard study, discrimination is widespread even though many Americans know little about Roma. Many study participants described hiding their ethnic identity to avoid stereotyping or discrimination. Across the U.S., including in Oregon, Romani people have historically been harassed by police, subject to discriminatory housing and employment laws, and smeared as criminals. 

The term “gypsy” is considered derogatory by many Roma people. It comes from the word “Egyptian,” where many Europeans mistakenly believed the Romani came from. In 1971, at the First World Roma Congress, a majority of attendees voted to reject the use of the term “gypsy.” However, some still use it to self-identify. In the U.S., it has also come to signify a free-spirited person, or someone who moves from one place to another without settling down. In industries like logging or trucking, it can refer to independent contractors. These uses reference the traditional migratory lifestyle historically practiced by Roma. There is greater debate about whether these uses of “gypsy” are offensive. 

In our collections, “gypsy” is used as a descriptor of Romani people themselves, costumes and student events themed around Roma stereotypes, an adjective (as described above), and a logging term. Primarily, however, it refers to the “Asian gypsy moth” or “gypsy moth,” a group of invasive moth species that includes Lymantria dispar dispar, Lymantria dispar asiatica, L. d. japonica, L. albescens, L. umbrosa, and L. postalba. In 2021, the Entomological Society of America (ESA) voted to change the common names, and in 2022, the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) announced new names for these species. Lymantria dispar dispar is now known as the “spongy moth,” and the rest are now the “flighted spongy moth complex.” According to APHIS, the name refers to the moths’ eggs, which have a “spongy” texture. This change avoids equating Roma with a pest insect, and is part of the ESA’s Better Common Names Project, which seeks to update names that refer to ethnic or racial groups. 

Around half of the uses of “gypsy” are mentioned in the collection finding aid or preliminary collection inventory. The rest appear in Oregon Digital scans of SCARC materials. SCARC describes the contents of its collections using the language and terminology of the collections themselves. In order to provide historical context and to enable standardized searching and access across our collections, we have retained the original wording in the collection descriptions. However, we have also added a note to each affected collection to inform users of its context, along with a link to the SCARC Special Collections and Archives Research Center Anti-Racist Actions website and this blog post. 

We acknowledge the racism represented by the term “gypsy” and the continued persecution that Roma face. Providing access to these historical materials does not endorse any attitudes or behavior depicted therein. For more information about Roma in Oregon, we recommend Carol Silverman’s report for the Oregon Historical Society. Another great resource is the RomArchive, a digital archive for Roma art and culture.

Affected Collections

John D. Lattin Papers, 1941-2004

Thomas Kraemer Papers, 1908-2018

Gerald W. Williams Electronic Records, 1985-2008

Liz VanLeeuwen Spotted Owl Collection, 1973-2004

Gerald W. Williams Papers, 1854-2016

Gerald W. Williams Slides, 1961-2003

Research Accounting Office Records, 1935-2010

Entomology Department Records, 1887-2003

Extension and Experiment Station Communications Moving Images, 1937-2007

Beaver Yearbook Photographs, 1938-2005

Hans Plambeck Papers, 1900-1995

Barometer Campus Newspaper, 1896-2014

Oregon’s Agricultural Progress Magazine, 1953-2016

William L. Finley Papers, 1899-1946 (MSS Finley)

Staff Newsletter, 1961-2009

Annual Cruise, 1921-2000

The Lamplighter Literary Magazine, 1936-1945

The Manuscript, 1927-1932

Oregon State University Memorabilia Collection, ca. 1860-present

This work was completed in large part due to the initiative of Margot Pullen (Student Archivist) and the support of the Anti-Racist Description Team. Margot wrote this post and completed updates to collection finding aids.

Taste of the ‘Chives

The Taste of the ‘Chives is a celebration of recipes that have tantalized the OSU community. This year we’re highlighting the various ways that Beaver Nation have prepared and publicized cheese!  


Cheese research and production has a long history on campus that is reflected in many university theses, articles, publications, and faculty papers held by the OSU Libraries.

To inspire the preparation of cheese-centric dishes for the ‘Chives event, we’re sharing some recipes from these sources in the form of links and PDFs listed below:

Inspired by a recipe here? Share your creation with other and sample other cheesy delights on October 31 from 12-1pm in Willamette East (Valley Library room 3622)!