This page will evolve as the course proceeds. This is where you’ll find materials directly related to the course, as well as information that you’ll likely find useful as you consider prescribed fire opportunities.
Grading Guides
Class references, readings, and assignments
Fire Regimes and Vegetation Effects
- PNW Fire Regimes – PPT by Steve Fitzgerald
- Fire Effects Information System (reference)
- Wildlfire interaction with prescribed fire units – Sycan Marsh example
Fire Behavior Modeling
- “Original” 13 Fuel Models (Anderson’s 1982 selection guide)
- “New” 40 Fuel Models (Scott and Bergan 2005)
- Exercise: Selecting Fuel Models
- Tutorial: Behave Plus 6.0 Surface Fire 2021 (
- Tutorial: Behave Plus 6.0 for Prescribed Fire 2021 (
- Tutorial: IFTDSS Overview 2022 (
- Fire behavior information flow chart
- Exercise: Using Behave Plus 6.0 for basic fire behavior modeling
- Exercise: Using Behave Plus 6.0 to anticipate containment resources
- Line construction rate tables
Burn Plan Templates and Instructions
- Prescribed Fire Plan Template (Oregon Certified Burn Manager Template)
- NWCG Standards for Prescribed Fire Planning and Implementation. PMS 484.
- NWCG Prescribed Fire Plan Template. PMS 484-1.
- NWCG Prescribed Fire Complexity Rating System. PMS 424.
- NWCG Prescribed Fire Summary and Final Complexity Worksheet. PMS 424-1.
- Burn plan example (Dunn CFIRP2)
- RH Lookup Tables (Elevation Adjusted)
- Fine Dead Fuel Moisture Tables
- Probability of Ignition Tables
- Live Fuel Moisture Tables
- Wind Speed Adjustment – How it’s calculated and applied
Fuel Load Estimation
- Brown’s Transects publication
- Keane’s Photoload publication
- ODF Simple (tally sheet and instructions, tutorial video, calculation tool)
- Coarse Wood Load Spreadsheet (fixed area plots)
- Brown’s Spreadsheet (individual plot)
- Brown’s Spreadsheet (USFS Central Oregon version – note that its formula doesn’t correct for slope, uses .4 as density for rotten logs (Brown used .3), and uses 1.13 for secant for all small wood classes)
Smoke Management and Smoke Permitting/Reporting
- NWCG Smoke Management Guide for Prescribed Fire
- Blue Sky Playground
- Fuel Beds (see appendix A in this publication)
- Oregon Department of Forestry Burning and Smoke Management website
- Class presentation: Smoke from Fire in Oregon
- Regulations impacting prescribed fire on private lands (presentation PDF)
- Oregon Forest Practices Act: See in particular Div 615 Treatment of Slash, Div 635 Water Protection Rules/Riparian Management Areas, Div 643 Water Protection Rules/Vegetation Along Streams.
- Use of water for wildland and prescribed fire: ORS537.141
- OFRI publication section on wildlife and Oregon Forest Practices Act
Complexity Analysis
- NWCG complexity rating system and spreadsheet
- Oregon Certified Burn Manager complexity rating worksheet
- For map examples, see the burn plan example
- Standardized map symbols (recommended) poster, storymap (guide to use), GIS symbol library
- Avenza Maps has become a common tool among fire practitioners. Read about it here. Find tutorials here. The free version allows you to load three maps – but you can save maps in a folder and import to Avanza as needed. The Pro version allows unlimited maps and has more robust features.
Briefing Example
Additional (optional) resources relevant to prescribed fire planning and implementation
- Ips Beetles (2021). Forest Health Fact Sheet. Oregon Department of Forestry.
- Slash Management for Bark Beetle Prevention (2021). Forest Health Fact Sheet. Oregon Department of Forestry.
- What is Forest Fuel, and What are Fuels Treatments? (2019). Fire FAQs. EM 9230. OSU Extension Catalog.
- Wildlife-Friendly Fuels Reduction in Dry Forests of the Pacific Northwest (2016). Woodland Fish & Wildlife.