
This page will evolve as the course proceeds. This is where you’ll find materials directly related to the course, as well as information that you’ll likely find useful as you consider prescribed fire opportunities.

Grading Guides

Class references, readings, and assignments

Fire Regimes and Vegetation Effects

Fire Behavior Modeling

Burn Plan Templates and Instructions


Fuel Load Estimation

Smoke Management and Smoke Permitting/Reporting


Complexity Analysis


  • For map examples, see the burn plan example
  • Standardized map symbols (recommended) poster, storymap (guide to use), GIS symbol library
  • Avenza Maps has become a common tool among fire practitioners. Read about it here. Find tutorials here. The free version allows you to load three maps – but you can save maps in a folder and import to Avanza as needed. The Pro version allows unlimited maps and has more robust features.

Briefing Example

Additional (optional) resources relevant to prescribed fire planning and implementation