Monday, May 8th at 6 pm in LINC 307. We’ll be taking the Meyers-Briggs personality test and playing a guessing game! Join us for pizza and a great community-building opportunity! Put it on your calendar now!
Awards & Officer Social
Officers of Psyched Out are meeting together for a fun social event to celebrate all of their hard work throughout the year and recognizing award worthy moments of leadership in the team.
Join Psyched Out, Psi Chi, and the School of Psychological Sciences in an end of the year celebration. At Avery Park (1200 SW Avery Park, Dr, Corvallis, OR 97333) we will meet for BBQ and a kickball tournament.
Craft Night
On Monday of week 8 a craft night is currently being planned. Follow the instagram for more details.
On Wednesday the 24th at 5 pm, Psyched Out is partnering with Psi Chi and Katie Harvey to learn how to build a stronger Resume and CV. There will also be lightning round resume reviews so bring a computer!
Volunteer Opportunity
A volunteer opportunity related to psychology is in the works! Follow us on Instagram or Twitter to get updated on this week 7 or 8 event!
CEL Workshop
During week 7, CEL will be hosting an Officer exclusive leadership opportunity. We will be participating in the True Colors: Leadership Styles & Group Dynamics! The date and time are still TBA, check back for more information as well as your email!

Week Seven: Officer Meeting
n the Psyched Out Office Team! We have meetings every odd week on Mondays from 5-6 pm. We meet in person in STAG 161 as well as on zoom!
Zoom Meeting Information:
ID: 915 1657 3120
Password: psychedout
Week 10: Officer Social
During week 10 Psyched Out officers will be getting together for a meal to grow the strength of our team! Be checking your email for location and time!
Week Nine: Officer Meeting
Join the Psyched Out Office Team! We have meetings every odd week on Mondays from 5-6 pm. We meet in person in STAG 161 as well as on zoom!
Zoom Meeting Information:
ID: 915 1657 3120
Password: psychedout