A volunteer opportunity related to psychology is in the works! Follow us on Instagram or Twitter to get updated on this week 7 or 8 event!
Category: Past Events
CEL Workshop
During week 7, CEL will be hosting an Officer exclusive leadership opportunity. We will be participating in the True Colors: Leadership Styles & Group Dynamics! The date and time are still TBA, check back for more information as well as your email!

Week Seven: Officer Meeting
n the Psyched Out Office Team! We have meetings every odd week on Mondays from 5-6 pm. We meet in person in STAG 161 as well as on zoom!
Zoom Meeting Information:
ID: 915 1657 3120
Password: psychedout
Week 10: Officer Social
During week 10 Psyched Out officers will be getting together for a meal to grow the strength of our team! Be checking your email for location and time!
Week Nine: Officer Meeting
Join the Psyched Out Office Team! We have meetings every odd week on Mondays from 5-6 pm. We meet in person in STAG 161 as well as on zoom!
Zoom Meeting Information:
ID: 915 1657 3120
Password: psychedout
Week Five: Officer Meeting
Join the Psyched Out Office Team! We have meetings every odd week on Mondays from 5-6 pm. We meet in person in STAG 161 as well as on zoom!
Zoom Meeting Information:
ID: 915 1657 3120
Password: psychedout
Career Fair: Hire a Psych Student
During week 9 or 10, there will be a psychology-focused career fair. Meet potential jobs and opportunities in the MU Multipurpose Room. Follow our Instagram for updates on the time or check back here. Don’t forget to print a couple copies of your resume!

One of our very own Oregon State professors Dr. Regan Gurung will be presenting his tips and the science behind studying during week 3. He is even working on publishing a book Studying Like a Champion: Applying Cognitive Science to Everyday Life (with John Dunlosky). If you’re interested in learning about how and why to improve your studying please join Psyched Out in Gilfillan Auditorium the date and time are TBA, please follow our Instagram @psychedoutosu to be notified when this has been decided.

Week Three: Officer Meeting
Join the Psyched Out Office Team! We have meetings every odd week on Mondays from 5-6 pm. We meet in person in STAG 161 as well as on zoom!
Zoom Meeting Information:
ID: 915 1657 3120
Password: psychedout

CAPS (Counseling and Psychological Services) and AFSP (American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) will be hosting an Out of Darkness Walk. The Psyched Out club will be there tabling at the resource fair and helping out with the walk. If we want to learn how to help out with tabling and the club please feel free to come to our officer meetings or reach out to any of our officers. If you want to donate or participate please click here. The walk will be on Saturday, April 9th, 2022 at OSU SEC Plaza.
- 10am: Event Registration, Resource Fair, Activities for Hope, and Healing
- 11am: Out of the Darkness Ceremony
- 12pm: Campus/community walk; Kindness Rocks
- 1pm: Return to campus: Lemonade kickback and Seeds of Hope Activity
OSU’s event page for the Out of Darkness Walk