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Corvallis surfers put a green spin on their surfboard biz

One surfboard at a time, a handful of college students with a dream of eco-friendly wave riding are making a difference for the environment. Corvallis’ Buni Surfboard Company emerged from the icy ocean waters of Cannon Beach during summer 2020, when Parker Conrad and Mason Crawford decided they would craft a surfboard. The name Buni is a […]

Looking beyond microplastics, Oregon State researchers find that cotton and synthetic microfibers impact behavior and growth of aquatic organisms

While microplastics have received significant attention in recent years for their negative environmental impacts, a new study from Oregon State University scientists found microfibers from synthetic materials as well as cotton impacted the behavior and growth of water organisms. “We’re trying to shift the narrative a little bit because so much of the focus has […]

Oregon State University Recognized as a Top Performer in 2022 Sustainable Campus Index

Oregon State University has been recognized as a top performer in the 2022 Sustainable Campus Index, ranking 9th in the area of Waste. A publication from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE), the Sustainable Campus Index recognizes top-performing sustainable colleges and universities overall and in 17 impact areas, as measured by the Sustainability Tracking, […]

Boosting Property Value with High-Quality Floor Coatings

In the world of property investment and maintenance, the devil is often in the details. Among these, flooring solutions seem to garner much attention, and for good reason. High-quality floor coatings can dramatically elevate a property’s aesthetic appeal, durability, and overall value. In this article, we’ll explore the myriad ways in which investing in top-notch […]

Elevate Your Home Poker Nights with Style

Welcome to the ultimate guide to transforming your ordinary poker nights into unforgettable events that combine sophistication with fun. Whether you are a seasoned card shark or a casual enthusiast, this guide will provide you with innovative ideas to level up your home poker experience. With a blend of classic charm and contemporary flair, get […]

Knowledge Management Strategies for Growing Businesses

In the fast-paced world of growing businesses, knowledge is more than just power—it’s the currency that can dictate the success or failure of an enterprise. As companies scale, the ability to manage, disseminate, and leverage knowledge effectively becomes not just an asset but a necessity. But how do growing businesses navigate the complex maze of […]

Enhancing Property Appeal with Smart Renovations

In today’s real estate market, the allure of a property can significantly determine its value and desirability. However, enhancing a property’s appeal isn’t just about slapping on a new coat of paint or planting a few flowers. Smart renovations can transform an average property into a sought-after gem, blending functionality with aesthetics. This article explores […]

Building a Culture of Health and Safety at Work

In today’s fast-paced work environment, the cultivation of a culture that prioritizes health and safety is more crucial than ever. Transitioning from mere compliance to genuinely caring for the well-being of employees demands both strategic planning and heartfelt commitment. This article ventures into the manifold strategies that organizations can implement to foster a health and […]

Managing Real Estate During a Divorce Process

Divorce is undoubtedly one of life’s most challenging events, blending emotional turmoil with substantial life changes. Among these, figuring out what happens to shared real estate stands out as a particularly thorny issue. Navigating this maze requires patience, negotiation, and a sprinkle of strategy. This exploration aims to shed light on managing real estate during […]

The Future of Eco-Friendly Auto Disposal

The automotive industry is steering towards a more sustainable and eco-friendly direction, not just with the advent of electric cars but also in the methods of disposing of these vehicles. As the world becomes increasingly conscious of environmental issues, the future of eco-friendly auto disposal shines with innovative solutions and practices. This journey into next-generation […]

Do I Need a Pre-Nuptial or Post-Nuptial Agreement?

We often hear about pre-nuptial agreements in the context of high-profile celebrity divorces, but did you know that they can be relevant for any couple considering marriage? There are even post-nuptial agreements that come into play after the couple has already tied the knot! Amidst the whirlwind of wedding planning, conversations about financial planning with […]

5 Essential Steps to Start Your Home Business

Starting a new business is an exciting time, but it can also induce anxiety or even be downright frightening to contemplate. This is true regardless of whether you are starting a business in a building or if your new business will be located in your home. New owners worry that their businesses will not succeed, […]

Innovative Technologies Enhancing Fire Safety Training

Fire safety training is a pivotal aspect of safety education, ensuring individuals are prepared for emergencies and understand how to respond swiftly and efficiently. With the advent of innovative technologies, traditional fire safety training methods are being transformed, providing a more immersive, effective, and engaging learning experience. This article explores cutting-edge technologies that are reshaping […]