Category: Uncategorized

  • Avery or Jaime?

    I would choose someone like Jaime, because in general, consistency is the most important factor that any employee can have. Consistency is the type of guarantee that gives the most peace of mind in my opinion, even on the hardest days where an employee might be the most motivated to slack off, they still can…

  • Week 4: Critiquing A Recruitment Ad

    Recently I have realized what unique value I can offer as an employee is versatility, at every job I have been a part of up to this point, I always wanted inherently to try every possible position I could at that job. Early on in my working career I recognized I had this feeling that…

  • Week 2: Experiences with Discrimination

    This question is a tough one because it all comes down to what level of tolerance I have for an individual businesses ethical violations, and claims of discrimination are probably the worst kind of ethical violation a business could engage in. If a business was so backwards that it chose to not hire a candidate…