Tag: Syllabus

  • Timely Teaching Tips: Course Prep + Weeks 1 and 2

    By Emma Larkins, Center for Teaching and Learning Get winter term off to a successful start! Preparing for the term and setting the tone in the first few weeks of the course are important to both the instructor and students. Here are tips and strategies from considering a welcoming syllabus, to setting up your Canvas…

  • Lights, Camera, AI Syllabus Statement, Action!

    Thousands of classroom seats will soon be filled by bright, spirited Oregon State University students. For all students, whether they are first-year undergrads or finishing a doctoral program, this is the first academic year in which widespread use of ChatGPT and other popular generative AI tools will be a major part of teaching and learning…

  • OSU Resources about AI in Teaching

    Editor’s note: This is an expanded version of the September 7 Inform email Alix Gitelman, Vice Provost for Academic Affairs and Senior Vice Provost, sent to Oregon State University faculty regarding OSU resources about AI in teaching and learning. This version provides additional examples and suggestions. Welcome to fall term! Your colleagues in Ecampus and…

  • PedAIgogy Post #1 – Summer Steps for Teaching with AI

    By Cub Kahn and Nadia Jaramillo Cherrez > As Oregon State University celebrates more than 7,000 graduates in the class of 2023 and heads into summer break, what can faculty do to stay abreast with the evolution of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools that are rapidly becoming a significant part of teaching and learning…

  • Syllabus Insights from First-Generation Students

    Many instructors want their syllabi to help create inclusive learning environments, but in practice it is hard to anticipate how our students will interpret our language, especially because what they consider to be incomprehensible academic jargon is largely dictated by their previous educational experiences. When tackling this challenge, many institutions offer a university glossary of…

  • An Invitation to Class: Introducing the Syllabus Snapshot

    Imagine signing up to take a really exciting trip. It could be rooming the savannah of Africa, strolling the foothills of the Himalayas, or diving on the Great Barrier Reef in Australia. You are anticipating all you will see and do, learn and discover. You arrive to start your journey and you are given a…

  • Getting Ready for FALL 2020

    With August waning, Fall classes loom on the horizon. While many teaching faculty and students bemoan the absence of face to face learning opportunities this Fall, it is reassuring to know for sure what modality classes will be conducted in. It is a lot easier to plan an entire term when you do not have…

  • “It’s In the Syllabus”: Tips to Write a Robust Document for Your Class

    “Is the final cumulative? How many exams are there? Is attendance required? What book do I have to buy?” It is somewhat irking when students ask a question about the class which you have already answered in your syllabus. Many faculty bemoan the fact that students do not read the syllabus. One easy fix has…