Tag: pedagogy

  • Academic Integrity and Equity: It’s in the Pedagogy

    By Dr. Jacqueline Goldman, OSU School of Psychological Science Editor’s note: Dr. Goldman presented on this topic in a Center for Teaching and Learning Quality Teaching (QT) talk on October 17, 2023. If you do a quick Google search of the terms “students cheating” you’ll see a plethora of articles, both op-ed and peer reviewed,…

  • Tuesdays Are for Teaching!

    By Emma Larkins, Center for Teaching and Learning Each term, the Center for Teaching and Learning invites speakers to share pedagogical practices and strategies that can help bring the Quality Teaching (QT) framework to life for learning communities at OSU. Each QT Talk homes in on a principle from the framework with a focus on…

  • Call for Applications – CAAI Faculty Learning Community – Spring ‘21

    Community for the Advancement of Antiracist Instruction (CAAI):  A learning community led by and for instructors and TAs The Center for Teaching and Learning and Faculty Affairs have come together to sponsor a new faculty learning community. The Community for the Advancement of Antiracist Instruction (CAAI) has been designed as a professional development opportunity for…

  • Getting Ready for FALL 2020

    With August waning, Fall classes loom on the horizon. While many teaching faculty and students bemoan the absence of face to face learning opportunities this Fall, it is reassuring to know for sure what modality classes will be conducted in. It is a lot easier to plan an entire term when you do not have…

  • UDL Part 3

    This post is the third post of my three-part UDL series. Post one, focused on Defining UD, DI, and UDL. Post two, Pedagogical Approaches for Implementing UDL provided principles, supporting research, and pedagogical approaches to support this framework. This final post, shares a lesson plan template along with a wealth of actionable strategies to use…

  • Pandemic Pedagogy: Will Emergency Remote Teaching Improve Education?

    In a recent New York Times piece, David Deming  addressed the seismic changes to higher education brought on by the Coronavirus pandemic. While aiming to allay fears of both face to face teachers who may see their jobs threatened by online instruction, and learners who may see this as the future of education, there is…

  • Pedagogy for the Pandemic: Daily 1-on-1 Consultations Available at CTL

    We have made it to the end of the second week of Spring Term 2020. For all of us, this is a term like no other. After rising to the challenge of pushing finals online (now a distant memory), OSU faculty and staff rallied to keep going under drastically different situations.  OSU students are now learning…

  • Reflections on National Postdoctoral Association 2013 Annual Meeting

    I’m grateful to Barb Bond, Director of OSU’s Office for Postdoctoral Programs, for encouraging me to develop a poster and attend this year’s National Postdoctoral Association 2013 Annual Meeting that was held in Charleston, SC, this past weekend (March 15-17).  I’ve been working with Barb for the past year to develop and deliver workshops about…