Tag: active learning

  • The power of play in resilient teaching

    By Erica Woekel, College of Health and OSU Extension Take a moment to think back on your childhood and what your favorite game or activity was to play. Some of my favorites were playing with dolls, cars, dressing up, cards and board games, playing ‘school’, and being outside creating inventive stories for hours.  Playing is…

  • Evidence-based teaching strategies increase student engagement

    By Jonathan Andicoechea, OSU College of Science Despite continuous research attempting to drive a stake through its heart, the exclusive use of the lecture format continues to haunt the college classroom. Like a ghoul slinking around under the cover of darkness, it feasts on students’ academic potential, resulting in depressed learning gains and an enervated…

  • A sorta neat assignment and recipe you could try

    By Rebekah Sinclair, OSU College of Liberal Arts I want to share two things I think could be of value to you: a very cool assignment, and the cookie recipe that goes with it.  One of those is going to change your life, and it’s probably the cookies, but the assignment is also pretty great,…

  • Revolutionizing the classroom: Embracing diverse teaching strategies for impactful learning

    By Md Atikur Rahman, doctoral student, OSU College of Health Having examined the chapter on instructional methods and strategies in An Evidence-based Guide to College and University Teaching, I am fascinated by the various ways that might greatly improve teaching and learning experiences. This contemplation has motivated me to explore a wide range of approaches for…

  • Lessons about optimizing learning

    By Patrick Conraads, doctoral student, OSU College of Liberal Arts “Optimizing Learning in College: Tips from Cognitive Psychology,” (Putnam et al.,2016) explores the reasons why some students are unsuccessful in college by using psychological analyses to make recommendations for students to be successful. The article discusses time management techniques, identifies some of the common mistakes…

  • Sparked by a Sparkshop: Rethinking Think-Pair-Share

    By Kara Clevinger Think-Pair-Share is an inclusive learning strategy that has evolved quite a bit since Frank Lyman first introduced it in 1981. Lyman’s approach was originally presented as Listen-Think-Pair-Share: students listen to a question posed by the instructor, take some time to think about it, pair up with a peer to discuss their answers,…

  • Distance Learning is Hard – Here’s How to Make it Easier for Students

    About the Author: Madeline Nichols is a doctoral student in the College of Public Health and Human Studies at Oregon State University. Studying in the Human Development and Family Studies program, her research broadly focuses on how older adults and adults in midlife understand, process, and regulate their emotions, and how those emotional competencies intersect…

  • Transparency in Learning and Teaching: Begin with SMARTE and SMARTER Student Learning Objectives

    In my work as an instructional consultant in CTL, I often discuss with faculty how to adjust the wording of course student learning objectives (SLOs) to exemplify measurable SLOs. This served as the initial impetus for creating an infographic to disseminate best practices for constructing student-centered and action-oriented SLOs. However, there is a lot more…

  • A Framework for Engaging Students in Synchronous Class Sessions: Interactive Lecture

    A Framework for Engaging Students in Synchronous Class Sessions: Interactive Lecture There is a plethora of strategies and activities for engaging students in the remote learning modality (Amobi 2020, Chick, Friberg & Bessette 2020; Martin & Bollinger, 2018). In a national survey of faculty during the spring COVID-19 pivot, 63% of participants identified student engagement…

  • Elevating Student Engagement in Breakout Rooms

    Students want to interact with each other. In fact, they learn better when they do. In a national survey of undergraduate students during the COVID-19 pandemic, 65% of participants identified the opportunity to collaborate with other students as one of the aspects of their learning that suffered from the shift to remote instruction. How can…