The Center for Teaching and Learning is pleased to announce that Meg Mobley, Senior Instructor of Crop and Soil Sciences (CSS), has been named the 2022-23 Blended Faculty Fellow.
Dr. Mobley has a Ph.D. in Ecology from Duke University and completed a postdoctoral research and teaching appointment at the University of Wyoming prior to coming to OSU in 2015. Beyond teaching across the full range of modalities, she is active in curriculum development, course and program assessment, and equity and inclusion efforts in the CSS Department. Dr. Mobley also played a key role in the pandemic pivot to remote learning, serving as a CTL faculty peer supporter for the College of Agricultural Sciences in 2020-21.
Dr. Mobley enthusiastically states, “I’m so excited to work with CTL as a Faculty Fellow! My goal as Fellow is to boost my OSU colleagues’ confidence in blending online and face-to-face approaches in ways that enrich both the teaching and the learning experiences. I bring to the CTL team my experience in face-to-face, hybrid, and Ecampus instruction, and my particular interests in responsive and interactive approaches – collecting and responding to data on student engagement, needs and interests; and developing interactive, student-led, and project-based learning activities. I look forward to applying some of these same approaches to addressing challenges that my colleagues face in their own teaching.”
Dr. Mobley will contribute to a variety of CTL projects and programming throughout the academic year including creation of faculty development resources, facilitation of faculty learning communities, and support of program assessment. As a Blended Faculty Fellow, Dr. Mobley will follow Dr. Raechel Soicher, who is completing her term as the 2022 Blended Learning Fellow this fall, and has done important work supporting faculty in high-enrollment blended course redesign and analyzing the structure of OSU high-enrollment courses.
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