Congratulations to the 2021 OSU Teaching Award Recipients

Every year over 1,700 OSU teaching faculty work hard to provide our students with an exceptional college experience. Being an effective educator takes work. Course design, assessment, and course delivery all involve energy. Over the last years, our teaching faculty kept teaching even through a pandemic.  We, the staff of the Center for Teaching and Learning, get to see and hear much of the wonderful activities going on in the classroom.  OSU also recognizes outstanding efforts. In this post we take a moment to celebrate all 2021 Teaching Award winners.  We thank you all for your service to students and add a special cheer to these Award winners.  Please take a moment to send your regards using the links below.

In recognition of outstanding teachers in the College of Agricultural Sciences, the R. M. Wade Award for Excellence in Teaching/Registry of Distinguished Teachers was presented to Tiffany Garcia, Kate Lajtha, Molly Megraw, and Elisa Monaco.

Tiffany Garcia, Fisheries and Wildlife, Kate Lajtha, Crop and Soil Science, Molly Megraw, Botany and Plant Pathology, and Elisa Monaco, Animal and Rangeland Sciences.

The College of Business recognizes excellence in the classroom with the Byron L. Newton Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award and was presented to Marianne Dickson and Caitlyn Gill.

The College of Business Betty and Forrest Simmons Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award honors the standout among instructional faculty who have taught in the graduate business program. This award was presented to Bin Zhu in the School of Marketing/Design/Analytics.

The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmosphere Sciences Anita L. Grunder Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching is awarded annually to a CEOAS faculty member who demonstrates excellence in undergraduate teaching in the college. This award was presented to Jenna Tilt.

The College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmosphere Sciences Pattullo Award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching recognizes a teaching faculty member who has achieved excellence in teaching within CEOAS over a period of several years. Aaron Wolf was the  recipient of this award.

The College of Engineering Faculty Teaching Excellence Award emphasis is on actual classroom teaching. Matthew Johnston, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science was presented with this award.

The College of Engineering’s Loyd Carter Award recognizes outstanding and inspirational teaching. Robin Hess, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science was presented with this award.

The College of Engineering’s Online Teaching Award recognizes a member of the engineering faculty for unusually significant and meritorious achievement in online teaching and student learning. The recipients were Adam Lambert and Lara Letaw.

Adam Lambert, Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering.

The College of Engineering’s Dennis Marker Teacher of the Year award is for faculty teaching excellence in the School of Civil and Construction Engineering. This award was presented to Catarinia Pestana, Civil and Construction Engineering.

Tom Miller, Civil and Construction Engineering. from the College of Engineering received the OSU American Society of Civil Engineer Teacher of the Year which recognizes the outstanding teacher each year.

Ashley D’Antonio, Forest Ecosystems & Society from the College of Forestry was the recipient of the Robert Aufderheide Award which recognizes the outstanding instructor or professor on the teaching staff at the College of Forestry.

The College of Liberal Arts’ Thomas R. Meehan Excellence in Teaching Award recognizes outstanding contributions to undergraduate teaching. Rebecca Olson, was the recipient of this award.

The College of Liberal Arts’ Isabelle Brock Memorial Outstanding Instructor Award recognizes exceptional contributions by a CLA Instructor through teaching and mentoring students. Eliza Barstow, History & Religious Studies was the recipient of this award.

The College of Liberal Arts’ Outstanding Ecampus Instructor Award recognizes exceptional contributions through teaching and mentoring students by a CLA Instructor who teaches primarily through Ecampus. Lorenzo Triburgo, Art department was the recipient of this award.

The College of Public Health and Human Sciences’ Richard M. Bressler Senior Faculty Teaching Award recognizes faculty with longtime service to Oregon State University who have demonstrated a major commitment to undergraduate instruction over an extended period of time. This award was presented to Brad Cardinal, School of Biological and Population Health Sciences.

The College of Public Health and Human Sciences’ Excellence in Teaching and Mentoring Award recognizes a professorial faculty who has distinguished themselves, their college and their profession and who epitomizes excellence in teaching, research and/or outreach. Kari-Lyn Sakuma, School of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences was this recipient of this award.

The College of Science’s Fred Horne Award for Excellence in Teaching Science recognizes sustained excellence in teaching science by honoring a faculty member in the College of Science who has repeatedly demonstrated exceptional instructional qualities and has had a significant impact on students over a period of not less than five years. This award was presented to Kari van Zee, Biochemistry & Biophysics.

The College of Science’s Loyd Carter Awards for Outstanding and Inspirational Teaching in Science award encourages and recognizes effective and inspirational teaching. The recipients are Charlotte Wickham, Statistics and Corinne Manogue, Physics.

The College of Science’s Whiteley Faculty Scholar for Teaching Excellence Award and OSU Faculty Scholars for Teaching Excellence contributes to the University’s broader Student Success Initiative, the Faculty Scholars will be a recognized community of practice, committed to sharing teaching practices that are proven to engage students and increase their success at OSU. The recipients of this award are Devon Quick, Integrative Biology, and KC Walsh, Physics.

The 2021 Ecampus Excellence in Online Teaching and Student Engagement Award recognizes three faculty members who exemplify excellence in online teaching and student engagement. The award goes to David Stemper, Jeremy Rose and Renee Albertson.

David Stemper, College of Forestry
Jeremy Rose, College of Science
Renee Albertson, College of Agricultural Sciences


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