New Tool for Faculty Peer Review of Canvas Discussions

Faculty peer reviews of teaching benefit faculty and students in a variety of ways. Peer review is endorsed and recognized within and outside of OSU as an evidence-based practice that supports quality teaching, and is also a component of promotion and tenure dossiers for many OSU faculty.

In a campus-based course, a peer reviewer may join a class session to observe students interacting with each other and with the instructor. In hybrid and fully-online courses, Canvas discussion forums are primary places for direct student and instructor engagement.

For faculty peers who are reviewing hybrid and courses, having access to the online discussions is a critical aspect of the review.

UIT-Academic Technologies has developed a tool in Canvas called Faculty Peer Review that allows faculty to share discussion forums with colleagues during faculty peer reviews in a way that protects student data and mirrors the on-campus peer review classroom visit.

The tool is entirely optional for faculty who want to create an anonymized discussion as part of a peer review.

The Faculty Peer Review tool will be added to all OSU Canvas course sites on March 29 (the tool is not visible to students). Learn how to enable the tool in your course.

Have questions about this new tool or other instructional technology? Send us an email:

By Lynn Greenough, Associate Director, Learning Platform Services, UIT-Academic Technologies


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