Sparkshops – Learn, Reflect, Renew, Refocus

Join us for the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Sparkshop: Engaging students through effective questioning: Strategies and tips on October 15, 12-12:45 PM.

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Sparkshops focus on evidence-informed teaching practices that faculty can easily implement to support student engagement and learning success. They are meant to spark small and impactful modifications to instructional practices with continued support from CTL staff as requested.

Each sparkshop provides:

  • An introduction to an evidence-based practice
  • Potential reasons faculty might incorporate the practice in their course
  • Examples of how the practice can be implemented
  • An opportunity to request more information or support for implementation

Drop in and join us for brief, informal, and rich conversations on two sparkshop topics this fall.

Engaging students through effective questioning: Strategies and tips (October 15, 12-12:45 PM)

Questioning is central to teaching. University teachers pose many questions during a class to check students’ understanding, and promote critical thinking. Facilitators will briefly share evidence-informed strategies for using Bloom’s revised taxonomy, different question types, and effective questioning techniques to support student engagement and learning success. Participants will discuss discipline-based questioning practices.

Increasing student participation in whole-class discussion: Procedures and strategies (November 12, 12-12:45 PM)

Discussion promotes critical thinking and communication skills. It helps students become co-constructors of knowledge and understanding. Getting all students to participate equally is clearly a challenge in whole-class discussions. Facilitators will briefly share evidence-informed procedures and strategies for increasing active participation in whole–class discussions. Participants will discuss discipline-based discussion practices.

Sparkshops will be facilitated by:

Funmi Amobi, Ed.D., Center for Teaching and Learning Instructional Consultant, College Liaison
Weiwei Zhang, Ph.D., Student Response System Product Manager in Academic Technologies


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