CTL Reaches out to OSU Faculty in Eastern Oregon

Eastern Oregon landscape

The faculty of OSU’s Agriculture and Natural Resource Program at Eastern Oregon University participated in a CTL workshop on Blended, Flipped and Hybrid Course Design and Teaching. The Agriculture and Natural Resources Program is a long-standing cooperative relationship between EOU and OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences to serve students, communities and industries of eastern Oregon and the Intermountain West.

In the workshop, the Agriculture and Natural Resources faculty learned how to apply effective practices to integrate classroom and online learning in course design and teaching to enhance student success. They enthusiastically took part in a variety of activities to build their capacity to implement blended course design and teaching beginning this fall.

Not only is there an art in knowing a thing, but also a certain art in teaching it. -Cicero
Inspiration for faculty on EOU’s Inlow Hall

The workshop is an example of CTL’s commitment to reach out to OSU faculty wherever they are based. This commitment is embodied in options for faculty to participate remotely through Zoom in Tuesday Teaching + Tech Talks and New2OSU. You’re invited to join us, wherever you are!


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