Emerging Tech in Higher Ed . . .

The 2013 Higher Education Edition” href=”http://www.nmc.org/news/horizon-report-2013-higher-ed-edition-here” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>NMC Horizon Report > 2013 Higher Education Edition was released this week in conjunction with the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative’s annual meeting in Denver.  This yearly report highlights emerging technologies that show potential to have a major impact on teaching and learning in higher ed over three different “adoption horizons” in the coming years.  The 2013 report identifies tablet computing and MOOCs (massive open online courses) as key technologies within the next year, learning analytics and gaming/gamification as keys in the 2 to 3-year adoption horizon, and wearable technology and 3D printing as having a major impact in higher ed on a 4 to 5-year horizon.

Do you agree with the 2013 Horizon Report’s prognostications?  What other emerging technologies will significantly impact OSU and higher ed in general during the next 5 years?


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