Weekly news

Week One Winter 2020

It’s a new term with many new opportunities, so be sure to see below for all the excitement this term. Have a great first week back!

Weekly news

Finals Week Fall 2019

Just when you thought Week Ten was the last Newsletter of the term, we learned about a few more opportunities to share with you! Happy Finals Week, Beavs!

Weekly news

Week Ten Fall 2019

We made it to Week Ten, Beavs! Hopefully you had a great term, and we look forward to next term with you. As Fall Term comes to an end, we wish you the best of luck on finals and a wonderful winter break!

Weekly news

Week Nine Fall 2019

Happy Week Nine, Beavs! We hope you enjoy the short week ahead of you and take this weekend to rest up for finals. Have a great Thanksgiving! 🦃

Weekly news

Week Eight Fall 2019

Happy Week Eight, Beavs! As registration begins
As registration begins this week, make sure to check out all the fun classes offered through the College of Public Health and Human Sciences. See some new class opportunities below that are great for all CPHHS students!

Weekly news

Week Seven Fall 2019

Happy Week Seven, Beavs! As midterms come to an end, enjoy some down time this weekend before the craziness of finals comes. We hope you are having a great term so far, and end just as strong as you started!

Weekly news

Week Six Fall 2019

Happy Week Six, Beavs! Fall Family Weekend is this weekend, so give your family members a call and invite them to join the fun. There are many exciting, fun events planned across campus, so don’t miss out!

Weekly news

Week Five Fall 2019

We’re half way through the term, Beavs! We hope you are enjoying the sunshine and all the beautiful colors out this time of year. As midterms continue, make sure to take some time for yourself and go for a walk in the autumn air!

Weekly news

Week Four Fall 2019

Happy Week Four, Beavs! We hope all of your midterms are going well. Don’t forget to take care of yourself during the stress of midterms! Take study breaks by going for a walk, hanging out with friends, or going to Dixon Recreation. Good luck this week!

Weekly news

Week Three Fall 2019

We’ve made it to week three, Beavs! We hope you are enjoying the brisk fall air. As midterm season is approaching, make sure to take advantage of the Academic Success Center and other study resources around campus!