The OMA Featured in the OLA Quarterly


The Oregon Library Association’s quarterly journal, the OLAQ, just published a fantastic issue featuring the work of various members from REFORMA OR – and the OMA is a member!

REFORMA OR is the state branch of the National REFORMA Organization. REFORMA Oregon is intended to be a professional organization for librarians and library staff who serve the Spanish-speaking and Latino communities. The organization’s past-president and co-founder, Martín Blasco, was the issue’s guest editor. The OMA’s contribution was the article “Las Historias de Latinos en Oregón: Canby, Oregón An Oral History Project Collaboration Between A Librarian and an Archivist” detailing the Canby, OR oral history project; for more information check out the OMA blog post: La comunidad latina en Canby, Oregón / The Latino/a community in Canby, Oregon 

“Las Historias de Latinos en Oregón: Canby, Oregón An Oral History Project Collaboration Between A Librarian and an Archivist” – link to online access to the article

And, check out the other four articles below:

Volume 22, Number 4 (2017) REFORMA Oregon Chapter

“Impacting Rural Hispanic Communities by Reaching Out, Connecting and Providing Services at Different Levels” by Patty Lara

“Change is the only Constant: Serving the Latinx Community With Help From REFORMA Oregon” by Gabriela Martínez Mercier

“Libros for Oregon: Collections Connect Communities A New LSTA Grant to Help More Oregon Libraries Take Advantage of the Guadalajara Book Fair” by Deborah Gitlitz

“Collection Diversity Has No Borders: A Librarian’s Experience at FIL, CILELIJ and FILIJ” by Patricia Morán

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Consent is A-sexy and Required: Healthy Relationships with Asexual and Aromantic People (Panel)

UntitledThis panel was part of  the line-up of Pride Week 2017 events, and considers what healthy relationships look like when centering asexual and aromantic identities. The ace and aro community face high levels of sexual violence and corrective rape, and this panel seeks to amplify their voices in the discussion because their community is so often invisible and stigmatized. The event primarily centers around a panel of self-identified ace and aro community members who speak about their experiences with relationships, consent, and ace/aro awareness. However, the event aims to benefit anyone of any sexual orientation or gender hoping to be better equipped with tools to establish and maintain healthy relationships.

The panel’s learning objectives were for participants to:

  1. Gain knowledge of different attractions, and a more comprehensive understanding of consent in all it’s forms, platonic, sexual, romantic, and familial.
  2. Gain knowledge and break down myths and misconceptions of asexual and aromantic folk and how stigma plays in the invisibility of this community.
  3. Receive skills related to building healthy relationships look and how to engage in healthy relationships in their lives, including defining consent for themselves and having conversations about it in all of their relationships.
  4. Gain knowledge about amatonormativity and how it plays out in their lives.

Questions asked of the panelists included:

  1. What kind of process did you go through to discover your sexual/romantic identity and have you ever experienced issues with expressing yourself as part of the ace/aro spectrum?
  2. What kind of issues have you had with other members of the queer community regarding your asexuality/aromanticism? Do you feel welcome there?
  3. If applicable, how did your partner(s) react to your asexual/aromantic identity? Or what do you think are the biggest obstacles for ace/aro people in relationships? What are things that seem to be easier?
  4. If there was one thing you wish you could tell your younger self in regards to healthy relationships, what would that be?
  5. How do you approach issues of consent with friends, family, and partner(s)?

Panelists: Lia/Ezra Myers, Maggie O’Rourke-Liggett, Ceph Poklemba, Mitchell Smith-Long, and Lee Wilcox
Moderator: Elijah Stucki
Date: April 25, 2016
Location: Native American Longhouse Eena Haws

Watch the Full Recording of “Consent is A-sexy” Here


This event was part of OSU’s Pride Week 2017

pride week poster bleeds


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Latinx Heritage Month Display: ES 212 Winter 2017


Latinx Heritage Month 2017

Latinx Heritage Month 2017
an Exhibit by the Students of
Ethnic Studies 212
Survey of Chicano/a – Latino/a Studies
Professor Marta Maldonado

This winter 2017 course was a survey of key concepts and ideas in Latinx Studies, with a focus on the processes and events that have led to the historical incorporation of various Latinx groups into the United States, and the dynamics shaping Latinx contexts of reception historically.

The students used various collections from the Oregon Multicultural Archives to explore a variety of Latinx themes. In groups, they conducted research in the archives to analyze archival materials to answer questions such as: 1) How do these documents illustrate the theme? 2) How is this part of the larger historical Latinx narrative? In addition, how does it fit into contemporary issues? 3) What do you want your audience to remember about your selections?

Display Information:
When: April – August 2017
Where: Main Floor, OSU Valley Library, Display Case to the left of the Main Entrance
Who: the students of Ethnic Studies 212 Survey of Chicano/a – Latino/a Studies, Winter 2017, with Professor Marta Maldonado

Latinx Themes
Culturally Relevant Education
Latinx Pride through Art
Cultural Intersectionality
Social Justice and Education
Diversity within the Latino/a Community
Religion / Cultural Celebrations
Environmental Activism


ES 212 Student Paper – Labor

OMA Collection Featured: Braceros in Oregon Photograph Collection
The 100 photographs in this collection document the activities of Oregon’s Bracero workers – their cultivation and harvesting work in the fields and orchards as well as the farm labor camps in which they lived.




ES 212 Student Paper – Immigration

OMA Collection Featured: Erlinda Gonzales-Berry Papers
This collection documents the research and publishing of Gonzales-Berry in the fields of Latino literature and culture and immigration from Mexico to the United States.



Culturally Relevant Education

ES 212 Student Paper – Culturally Relevant Education

OMA Collection Featured: Colegio César Chávez Collection
The Colegio César Chávez was established in 1973 as a four year Chicano Serving Institution in Mount Angel, Oregon. The Colegio César Chávez collection consists of correspondence, publications, and photographs from the Arthur and Karen Olivo and Andrew Parodi Family and depicts their time living on the college campus grounds.

Culturally Relevant Education

Culturally Relevant Education

Latinx Pride through Art

ES 212 Student Paper – Latinx Pride through Art

OMA Collection Featured: Colegio César Chávez Collection
The Colegio César Chávez was established in 1973 as a four year Chicano Serving Institution in Mount Angel, Oregon. The collection also includes two large posters, one by the artist Desiga, and another, a recruitment poster, by the artist Carlos Manriquez. Manriquez is also the artist of a 1979 Colegio calendar. The calendar, consisting of four sheets plus a cover sheet, includes a timeline of significant events in Chicano history along with full color imagery depicting “jalapeño power.”

Latinx Pride through Art

Latinx Pride through Art

Cultural Intersectionality

ES 212 Student Paper – Cultural Intersectionality

OMA Collection Featured: Oregon Multicultural Archives Oral History Collection
The Oregon Multicultural Archives Oral History Collection is a growing repository of interviews that documents the experiences and perspectives of people of color who have spent at least portions of their lives in Oregon.

Cultural Intersectionality

Cultural Intersectionality

Social Justice and Education

ES 212 Student Paper – Social Justice and Education

OMA Collection Featured: Centro Cultural César Chávez Records
The Centro Cultural César Chávez Records document activities and events sponsored by the Center; Oregon State University students, faculty, and staff affiliated with the Center; and the campus environment for Latino/a students at Oregon State. The Centro was established at Oregon State University in 1972.

Social Justice and Education

Social Justice and Education

Diversity within the Latino/a Community

ES 212 Student Paper – Diversity within the Latino/a Community

OMA Collection Featured: Association of Latin American Students Records
The Association of Latin American Students is an organization of international students at Oregon State University primarily from Central and South America, Mexico, and Spain. Their purpose includes promoting community and cohesiveness among Latin American students at OSU, sharing Latin American cultures with the OSU and local communities, and assisting new Latin American students when they arrive at OSU. The organization sponsored an annual Latin Night that featured a dinner, cultural performances, and a dance.

Diversity within the Latino/a Community

Diversity within the Latino/a Community

Religion / Cultural Celebrations

ES 212 Student Paper – Religion / Cultural Celebrations

OMA Collection Featured: Milagro (Miracle Theatre Group) Records
The Milagro (Miracle Theatre Group) Records consist of the theatre’s administrative records, production files, and community outreach work. Also included is the company’s artwork, videos and audio of performances, correspondence, and promotional materials. Established in 1985 by José González and Dañel Malán, Milagro is the premier Latino arts and cultures program in the northwest. The theatre produces both classical and contemporary performances that are English, Spanish, or bilingual. Milagro is still active to this day.

Religion / Cultural Celebrations

Religion / Cultural Celebrations

Environmental Activism

ES 212 Student Paper – Environmental Activism

OMA Collection Featured: Annabelle Jaramillo Papers
This collection documents Jaramillo’s work as a member of the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council from 1997 to 2001; her advocacy for minorities and women with the Oregon Commission on Hispanic Affairs and National Image, Inc.; her work as a research botanist with the U.S. Forest Service; and her graduate research at Portland State University.

Environmental Activism

Environmental Activism

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RG 272 Native American Longhouse Eena Haws


The collection RG 272 Native American Longhouse Eena Haws (NAL) is now available!

The Native American Longhouse Eena Haws, the oldest of the university’s cultural centers, was established in 1971 to honor the cultures of those of Native American descent. It moved to a converted Quonset hut a year later; this center was remodeled in 1999. Just this past year the NAL recently moved into a beautiful new longhouse. Although the move is recent, a new longhouse has been decades in the making with students advocating for a new building for many years. In fact, in 1993 a building proposal was written which includes the history of the NAL, arguments in favor of a new building, and plans for a new longhouse. Take a look back at the proposal from 20 years ago…

1993 Building Proposal: The Philip Lane Sr. Native American Longhouse of The Oregon State University Memorial Union

Native American Longhouse (old and new buildings)

The NAL acts as the focal point for most Native American students, but also as a public service center to provide services and hospitality to the university and surrounding communities. It is also used as a teaching area for traditional singing, dancing, storytelling, and ceremony; additionally, every May the center hosts its annual Salmon Bake. The NAL is managed by the office of Diversity and Cultural Engagement.

The RG 272 NAL collection includes 17 photo albums that represent over 25 years of the NAL’s history. All of the albums have been digitized and the physical albums remain at the NAL.

The Native American Longhouse Eena Haws Photo Albums

Link to all 17 NAL albums

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, Undated
Events and activities depicted: Pow Wow, including images of the Pow Wow princess, drumming, and dancing.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1984-1987
Events and activities depicted: Meals at the Longhouse, Pow Wows, and a salmon bake. The album contains various newspaper clippings from the Barometer and flyers for the 7th annual Pow Wow in 1984, the 1985 Pow Wow, and the 1987 Pow Wow. Also included are a flyer and news clipping regarding a rally in support of the Navajo and Hopi tribes in Arizona and a newspaper clipping from the Associated Press regarding the dismissed murder charges against Robert Van Pelt.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1988
Events and activities depicted: A lecture by and reception for Wilma Mankiller of the Cherokee Nation and the 12th annual Pow Wow, November 1988. Within these two events, activities depicted include the sale of jewelry and accessories, drumming, dancing, and gathering for meals. Various attendees have been identified by NAL community supporters as follows: Bud Heycamp of “Baker Bay Beads” (page 4); Wilma Crowe, Sioux (page 20); Fish Martinez (page 23); Don Mocassin, Chemawa (page 25 top photo, on left).

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1989
Events and activities depicted: Spring and Winter Pow Wows including dancing, the sale of jewelry and accessories, and making fry bread. Also included is a ceremony for the dedication of a small plaque honoring the Native Americans that lived in the Corvallis; Tcha Peenafu (the place where the elderberries grow) was the local Native American name for the Corvallis area.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1990
Events and activities depicted: Spring Pow Wow, May 1990 in Gill Coliseum, including dancing, drumming, dining, the sale of jewelry and accessories, and craft making. Various attendees have been identified by NAL community supporters as follows: Paul Whitehead, Siletz (page 10); Carol Brunoe, Warm Springs (page 12 bottom photo); Dick Ross, Professor Emeritus Anthropology (page 43 top photo); Carol Brunoe, Warm Springs (page 44 and 55 bottom photos).

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1992
Event depicted: Graduate party at the Liberty Residence.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, circa 1995
Events and activities depicted: Indoor and outdoor gatherings that included dancing and drumming. Also included are photographs of NAL staff and community supporters; photos of items such as Kachina dolls, baskets, pottery, and jewelry; and images of the inside of the NAL (the Quonset hut) including the work areas, leisure areas, and kitchen.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1995
Events and activities depicted: Pow Wow, both indoors and outdoors; students studying and meeting inside of the NAL. Various attendees have been identified by NAL community supporters as follows: Paul Whitehead, Siletz (page 10 bottom photo); Shirod Younker, artist for new NACC (page 5 middle photo); name unknown, EOP Student, Siletz (page 7 top photo); Cassandra Manuelito-Kerkvliet (page 9 middle photo).

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1997
Events and activities depicted: Pow Wow including dancing, drumming, the sale of jewelry and accessories, and the sale of fry bread; meeting inside of the NAL.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1997-1998
Events and activities depicted: Cooking fry bread and class of 1998 celebration. Also included are images of the Memorial Union and trees in the vicinity outside of the NAL as well as photos of NAL staff and community supporters.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 1997-2000
Events and activities depicted: Pow Wow, 1998; Faces of the Longhouse, 1997; Diversity Development Staff Training, 1998-1999; Indigenous Peoples Day celebration with guest speaker Edward Castillo, October 1998; The Visiting Writers Series and The Craft of Writing Series with James Welch, October 1998; American Indian Student Retreat; NAL Advisory Board Dinner, October 1998; Frybread Booth / Can Food Drive for the Hurricane Mitch victims, November 1998; Winter Longhouse Potluck; Winter Term Staff Retreat; MLK Jr. Fun Run/Walk, 1999; Test Taking Skills Workshop, February 1999; Drum Making Class, February 1999; Craft Night, February 1999; The Ethnic Studies Colloquium Series guest speaker author Laura Tohe, March 1999; Salem Bake, Winter 1999; Winter Finals Week Breakfast; Longhouse Needs Assessment Dinner; Baseball game, Spring 1999; R. Carlos Nakai Concert, Spring 1999; Winona LaDuke, environmental activist, lecture, Spring 1999; Pow Wow, Spring 1999; Pumpkin Carving, October 1999; The Longhouse Blessing, November 1999; Staff Retreat, January 2000; Welcome Dinner for Frank and Allison, January 2000; NAL staff at the rec center; Building Bridges, January 2000; All Staff Bowling Night, February 2000; Siblings Weekend, February 2000; Pine Nut Beading and Craft Night; Longhouse Grand Opening, May 2000; Wacky Olympics, May 2000; Salmon Bake, 2000; Making Leis, 2000.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2000-2002
Events and activities depicted: All Cultural Centers Staff Retreat at the coast; Images of the Longhouse prior to its renovation and after; Training for 2000-2001 staff; Open House, Fall 2000; Recognition Dinner in honor of Kurt Peters and Allison Davis-White Eyes; High School students visitors at the NAL; Craft Night, 2000; Local Kine Grinds; Pacific Islanders Outreach Dinner; Midnight Breakfast; Tom Happynook lecture regarding traditional values and marine resources, April 2001; Valentine’s craft making; Wacky Olympics; Salmon Bake, including images of the fire pit, dancers, and the guests, May 2001; Pacific Island Night, 2000-2001; QRC Drag Show; Lei Making, 2001; OSCC Conference; Fry Bread sale; Siblings Weekend; Halloween Pumpkin Carving, October 2001; Midnight Breakfast at the BCC; Salmon Bake including images of the fire pit, Aztec dancers, fry bread, and the guests, 2002; Halloween Pumpkin Carving, October 2002.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2001, 2003, 2006-2009
Events and activities depicted: The Camas Dig, 2009; The 7th Annual Jim Thorpe Fun Run, May 2009; Salmon Bake; Fry Bread sale; Pow Wow and Salmon Bake, 2003; All Center Tailgater for Dad’s Weekend, 2006; Acorn Soup Demonstration; All Center Winter Retreat, January 2007; Kids for Equality for MLK Jr. Week, January 2007; Staff Potluck; Gift Giving, December 2006; Elders Luncheon; The Hula Club demonstration; NAL Open House, 2007; Salmon Bake, 2007; Pumpkin Relay, Fall 2007; Speed Dating, February 2008; Craft Night, January 2008; Cultural Center Expansion Project meeting, 2007-2008; Storytelling event; Hawaiian Traditional Crafts, 2003; NAL Open House, Fall 2006; Siblings Weekend; Necklace Making; Pow Wow; OSCC, 2001; Bowling, January 2003; Oxygen Bar, February 2002; Drag Show.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2004-2006
Events and activities depicted: Taco Feed event; NAL Open House for 2005-2006; Longhouse Blessing, 2006; Tribal Sovereignty lecture with guest speaker Bobbie Conner; Basket Weaving workshop; and a dance workshop. Also included are photos of NAL staff and community supporters as well as artwork of young children.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2009-2010
Events and activities depicted: Staff Training; Native American Heritage Month Kickoff Celebration; Litefoot concert; Gardening event; 12th annual Salmon Bake with MC Bill Quaempts, comedian Elaine Miles, and dance performances by Aztec Dancers and Apache Crown Dancers. Also included are photos of NAL staff and community supporters.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2010-2011
Events and activities depicted: 2010 Open House, including cooking preparation and the meal; Native American Heritage Month 2010 program of events; Silver Smith demonstration; Craft nights photos, including making dream-catchers; Friendship Dance; Worlds AIDS Day education event; Acorn Processing event; Chemawa Indian School visit. Also included are photos of NAL staff and community supporters.

Native American Longhouse (NAL) Album, 2011-2012
Events and activities depicted: Cooking; Native American Heritage Month 2011 program of events; Native American Heritage Month Kick-Off; Benny the Beaver with NAL staff representing N7; Trip to the coast; Deanna Kingston memorial program; Traditional arts and gardening. Also included are photos of the construction of the new longhouse, photos of the inside of the Quonset Hut, as well as photos of the NAL staff and community supporters.

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OSU Hui o Hawai’i Albums


The OSU Hui o Hawai’i is one of the university’s oldest student organizations and the OMA is excited to share that we can now provide you access to electronic copies of a collection of its photo albums.

Oregon State University Hui o Hawai’i Album, 1986-1987

Events and activities depicted: Advisors, 1986; Officers, 1986; First meeting, October 4, 1986; Party at Joan and Shirley’s, October 4, 1986; Shopping at Clackamas Town Center, October 11, 1986; Dixon Fun Nite, October 24, 1986; Halloween party, October 31, 1986; Intramural football, 1986; Intramural volleyball, 1986; Luau practice, 1987; 32nd Annual Luau, Memorial Union Ballroom, February 28, 1987; Picnic at Avery Park, May 9, 1986; Portland trip, April 11, 1987.

Oregon State University Hui o Hawai’i Album, 1987-1988

Events and activities depicted: Club picnic, 1987; Shopping trip, 1987; Intramural football, 1987; Halloween party, 1987; Pot luck, 1987; 33rd Annual Luau, Memorial Union Ballroom, March 5, 1988; Picnic at Avery Park, May 10, 1988; Miscellaneous photographs, 1987-1988.

Oregon State University Hui o Hawai’i Album, 1988-1989

Events and activities depicted: Members; Photo and list of Executive Council; Halloween photographs, October 1988; Dorms and snow, winter 1988-1989; Christmas wishes, Christmas 1988; Goodbye Marcia and Stacie; Ski the pass, winter 1988-1989; Dixon fun night; Intramural football, Softball; 34th Annual Luau, March 4, 1989; Picnic, 1989; Banquet, 1989; Miscellaneous.

Oregon State University Hui o Hawai’i Album, 1989-1990

Events and activities depicted: Officers, 1989; Orientation picnic at Magic Island, August 26, 1989; First club meeting, September 23, 1989; Shopping trip at Clackamas Town Center, September 30, 1989; Intramural football, girls volleyball, fall term 1989; Dixon Fun Night, October 13, 1989; Halloween party, October 28, 1989; Pot luck at Lasell’s, December 1, 1989; 35th Annual Luau, March 3, 1990; Golf tournament and picnic, April 21, 1990; Intramural softball, spring term 1990; Banquet, May 27, 1990.

Oregon State University Hui o Hawai’i Album, 1990-1991

Events and activities depicted: Dixon fun night, 1990; Pot luck dinner, 1990; Halloween dance, 1990; 1st-3rd place costumes and pumpkin carving, 1990; Intramural volleyball and football, 1990; OSU/U of O tailgater, 1990; Ski trip, 1990-1991; 36th Annual Luau, 1991; Banquet: Old officers, new officers, cutest couple, most friendly, best body, and most funniest, 1991.

Oregon State University Hui o Hawai’i Album, 1992-1993

Events and activities depicted: Officers, 1992; Picnic on Oahu, summer 1992; OSU Hawaii express, 1992; Pot luck dinner, 1992; Club meetings, 1992-1993; Shopping trip, 1992; Luau practice, 1992-1993; Halloween pot luck, 1992; Dixon fun night, 1992; Civil War tailgate, 1992; Asian Cultural Center, 1992; Fall activities fair, 1992; Skiing at Mt. Hood, 1992-1993; Shoot the Hoop Tournament, 1993; Performance at Harding Elementary, 1993; Luau preparations, 1993; 38th Annual Luau, 1993; Banquet, 1993; Scholarships and Hall of Fame photos including: Best physiques, most studious, funniest, grouchiest, friendliest, 1993.

Oregon State University Hui o Hawai’i Album, 1993-1994

Events and activities depicted: Officers for academic year, 1993; OSU Hawaii express, 1993; Club meetings, 1993; Shopping trip, 1993; Hula practice, 1993; Picnic at Avery Park, 1993; Fall activities fair, 1993; Halloween pot luck, 1993; Intramural football, 1993; Canned food drive, 1993; Dinner at Peacock’s, 1993; Ski trip, 1993-1994; Valentine’s Day dance, 1994; Softball tournament, 1994; Luau preparations, 1994; 39th Annual Luau, 1994; Banquet, 1994; HOSS elections including: Best burp, best pearly whites, Mr. Universe and cosmopolitan bodies, Oscar the Grouch, most Kalohe, club clowns, most scholarly, best Oregon tan, most likely to become the richest, most likely to become the poorest, biggest mouth, most Haole-fied, 1994; Scholarships for: Participation and academics, 1994.

Oregon State University Hui o Hawai’i Album, 1994-1995

Events and activities depicted: Ziggy’s palz, 1994; Freshman orientation dinner, 1994; First meeting, 1994; Ziggy’s fur, 1994; Shopping trip, 1994; Intramural, 1994; Halloween, October 1994; Ski, ski, ski, winter 1994-1995; Performance, 1995; Valentine’s Day, February 1995; Cane fire, 1995; Hula practice, 1995; 40th Annual Hawaiian Luau, April 29, 1995. Also included: Daily Barometer clippings and ticket from the Luau.

Oregon State University Hui o Hawai’i Album, 1999

Events and activities depicted: APA room dedication, February 16, 1999; Farewell party for Eloise, Highland View Middle School, April 7, 1999; Cultural show and tell, Highland View Middle School, April 27, 1999; Movie and pizza night, Mila’s, May 25, 1999; End of year pot luck, Brandon’s, June 4, 1999.

Oregon State University Hui o Hawai’i Album, 1999-2000

Events and activities depicted: Leadership retreat, October 1999; Fall reception, November 1999; APA outreach at AFC, April 2000; Polynesian students visit, October 2000; APA community reception, November 2000; Reception for Andy and Warren, November 20, 2000.

Oregon State University Hui o Hawai’i Album, 2002

Events and activities depicted: 47th Annual Luau, April 20, 2002; Dinner and traditional dancing.

Oregon State University Hui o Hawai’i Album, 2004

Events and activities depicted: 49th Annual Luau; Dinner and traditional dancing.

Oregon State University Hui o Hawai’i Album, 2005

Events and activities depicted: 50th Annual Luau, April 2, 2005; Dinner and traditional dancing.

Oregon State University Asian Pacific American Education Office Album, 1998-1999

Events and activities depicted: Leadership retreat to Lakota Lodge, Newport, Oregon, October 9-10, 1999; Outreach event, Parkrose High School, April 6, 1999; 2nd Annual Graduation Reception, Alumni Center, June 12, 1999. Bob Santos, May 20, 1999; New Hawaii Students & Family Pizza Feed, Market Place West, September 21, 1999.

Link to all 14 OSU Hui o Hawai’i Albums


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Remembering the Past, Queering the Present


Today, OSQA was in the spotlight for a Collections at the Center event. Students, faculty, and staff of Oregon State, as well as local community members, joined us in an exploration of local activist histories as queer inspiration for contemporary activism. Dr. Bradley Boovy, Natalia Fernández, and WGSS master’s student Vanessa Vanderzee led a short introduction about After 8, an organization established in Benton County in the 1990s in support of LGBT rights. The After 8 collection is OSQA’s newest addition, and contains materials documenting the groups political work and community outreach.

After the introduction and a brief Q&A, attendees got to work making activist buttons and writing postcards to local government officials to continue and build upon After 8’s commitment to LGBTQ+ rights.

A flickr set of this Collections at the Center event

Some photo highlights of the event can be found below (Check out the flickr set for more images).

after-8-and-osqa-feb-28-2017-26 after-8-and-osqa-feb-28-2017-47 after-8-and-osqa-feb-28-2017-34after-8-and-osqa-feb-28-2017-59

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Day of Remembrance 2017


February 19, 2017 marks the 75th anniversary of when President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, an order requiring the internment of all Americans of Japanese ancestry. In Oregon, since 1979, this has been known as the Day of Remembrance, a day commemorating the Japanese American internment during World War II. Within the state, there was a detention site: the former site of the Pacific International Livestock Exposition, which, in 1942, had been the site of the Portland Assembly Center.

To ensure that this history is not forgotten, and that we as a nation learn from our past mistakes, the OSU Asian Pacific Cultural Center curated a display to commemorate the Japanese-American experience, specifically the Japanese-American students who were enrolled at OSU at the time.

To see photographs of the display, check out the:

Day of Remembrance 2017 Display Flickr Set

Display Information:
When: mid-February – March 2017
Where: Main Floor, OSU Valley Library, Display Case to the left of the Main Entrance
Who: Display curated by Ty Sokalski: Student Success Peer Facilitator for the APCC; Dr. Patti Sakurai: Ethnic Studies Professor and APCC Advisory Council Member; Dr. Sandy Tsuneyoshi: APCC Advisory Council Member.

More information and links:

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OSU Juntos Lotería

osu-juntos-loteriaThe OSU Juntos Lotería set is now a part of the OSU Libraries Board Game Collection and is available for check out!

Just search for “osu juntos” in the library catalog to find the record:

OSU Juntos Lotería via the OSULP Catalog

OSU Juntos Lotería via the OSULP Catalog

OSU Juntos Lotería catalog record details

OSU Juntos Lotería catalog record details

You may be wondering “what is the OSU Juntos Lotería game, as well as how and why was it created?”

About Lotería:

Lotería has its origins in Europe and came to Mexico by way of Spain; it is often referred to as “Mexican Bingo.” While there is imagery used for Lotería cards that are traditionally and broadly recognized in Mexico, this OSU Juntos Lotería set was created by Oregon State University student Nicthé Verdugo. The imagery is based on a set of oral history interviews with members of the Latino/a community in Madras, Oregon. The oral history interviews are available via the OSU Oregon Multicultural Archives as part of the collection OH 32 Latinos en Oregón.

OSU Juntos Lotería Set

OSU Juntos Lotería

About the Latinos en Oregón oral history project and collection:

The OMA established the Latinos en Oregón oral history project and collection in the spring of 2015 to document the stories of members of Oregon’s Latino/a communities. The project began in the central Oregon, and the project’s first collaboration was with the Oregon State University Juntos program. OSU Juntos partners with schools to provide Latino/Latina families across Oregon with the knowledge and resources to gain access to higher education. In total, there were fifteen interviewees from the Madras, Oregon area, and they were asked to share information about their family/ancestors, immigration experiences, thoughts on life in Oregon, perspectives on a variety of topics and traditions, and finally, their plans for the future. The collection of interviews is available to the public, and all of the audio and video files are available online with interview transcriptions – the collection is entirely in Spanish.

Latinos en Oregon Oral History Collection

A part of the oral history interviews focused on the community members’ childhoods and many recalled the games they used to play as children in Mexico. This in particular was what inspired OSU student Nicthé Verdugo to create the Lotería set. She wanted to create something that the community could use, and for it to be something that the whole family, both parents and adults, could enjoy together. Verdugo listened to the interviews to develop the themes for the 54 card deck as part of the set.

“Lotería for the OSU Juntos Families” by Nicthé Verdugo


Nicthé Verdugo

My name is Nicthé Verdugo and I graduated from Oregon State University (OSU) in the spring of 2016 with a major in Ethnic Studies (focus on Chicanx/ Latinx Studies) and Social Justice. During my time in college, I was blessed to be able to connect with students and teachers who showed me what it is to fight for education. The amount of passion and heart that our Latinx/Chicanx community demonstrates is something that I have always admired and makes me feel very proud to be Chicanx.

During my last year at OSU, I was able to connect with Natalia Fernández of the Oregon Multicultural Archives to incorporate the oral histories of several parents, sons, and daughters who participated in the OSU Juntos program within the Madras and Culver, Oregon, communities as a project for one of my classes. After some time of thinking about how I would use the oral histories, I finally decided to make a personalized Lotería set for the OSU Juntos Program.

I know that without my parents, I would not have had the chance of coming all the way to Oregon to study, and for that, I will be forever grateful. My hope is that when the program uses the Lotería set, it serves as a reminder to parents, and the program coordinators, that we are deeply grateful for the unconditional support they provide (and continue to provide) to their students, sons, daughters, etc.

I will leave you with some empowering words that my father has always told me and that have helped me through my college journey: “¡Siempre pa’lante! Ni un paso para atrás, como el armadillo / Always forward! Not a step backwards, like the armadillo.”

 *The armadillo is the only animal that always walks forward and cannot walk backwards.

* The “x” is used to be more inclusive and derive from the gender binary.

Special thanks to: my father, my mother, and my sisters; also to Natalia Fernández, Ana Gómez, Robin Fifita, and Dr. Larry Roper; the Oregon Multicultural Archives for giving me the opportunity to use the collection “Latinos en Oregón: Sus Voces, Sus Historias, Su Herencia”; and the OSU Juntos families from the Madras and Culver, Oregon, communities for sharing their stories.

And now you may be wondering “how do you play OSU Juntos Lotería?”

A Loteria tabla

A Lotería tabla

Game Contents:

  • 1 Lotería Instructions sheet
  • 1 OSU Juntos Lotería sheet
  • 1 Lotería Project Information sheet
  • 10 playing boards, called ‘tablas’
  • A deck of cards with 54 cards
  • 1 bag of beans

How to Play Lotería:                                  

  • Each player (2-10 players) uses one game board called a ‘tabla’
  • The deck of cards is shuffled and is placed face down; one designated player turns over the cards, one at a time – s/he calls out the number and reads the card’s text
  • Each player tracks and marks the random draw of cards using the dry beans until they have one of the winning patterns (four in a row: across, down, or diagonally) or, for a longer game, have their ‘tabla’ full
  • Whenever a player has filled out a winning streak, or fills their ‘tabla’, they yell out “¡Lotería!” to win

We hope you go check out the set and enjoy the game!

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TOO BLACK Workshop and Performance


As part of the 35th annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration, the OMA was honored to collaborate with Diversity & Cultural Engagement, University Housing and Dining Services, and the School of History, Philosophy, & Religion, to organize the event “Speaking Justice” – a night of spoken word poetry by the OSU community and our feature artist, TOO BLACK, on Wednesday, January 18, 2017. And, in addition to the performance, the OMA was delighted to host the workshop “History of Race Relations at OSU” facilitated by TOO BLACK.


TOO BLACK, a graduate of Ball State University, is a spoken word poet based in Indianapolis, Indiana.  The name TOO BLACK developed from wanting to challenge the perceptions of blackness and humanity in general.  Influenced by a wide variety of artists and historical figures from Malcolm X to George Carlin to Audre Lorde, TOO BLACK brings a versatile perspective to the stage. TOO BLACK has a working dialogue that draws from personal experiences, historical and current events, and utilizes Hip Hop as a way to relay his point.  He has a conversational performance style in which he is talks to the audience not at them.

TOO BLACK teaches a poetry workshop called named “Speech is My Hammer” to empower children and young adults to think critically about issues of social justice.  He is also apart of an Indianapolis based group called Axiom Collective.  It is a community of dedicated artists and educators committed to transforming communities through creative expression, civic participation and transformative art education.

TOO BLACK has been performing poetry professionally for four years.  He successfully launched his own college tour called Education Redefined 101: Tips, Fees, and Degrees.  ER 101 has provided an opportunity for TOO BLACK to perform at a wide variety of colleges and universities including UCLA, Boston College, and Penn State University among many more.

Overall, TOO BLACK has featured and headlined venues throughout the country in 16 states including the historical Nuyorican Poets Cafe in New York City, Jus Words in Philadelphia, Soul Speaks in Chicago, and Busboys & Poets in D.C.  In 2015 he was featured in AfroPunk online magazine.  He has been fortunate enough to open for black panther legends such as Elaine Brown and Erika Huggins as well as starring in a tribute show to honor the late Gil Scott-Heron.

TOO BLACK website and TOO BLACK Twitter

The Workshop

In the workshop, facilitated by TOO BLACK, participants learned about the history of race relations at OSU and its connections to contemporary issues. In his presentation “Today is yesterday” TOO BLACK shared his experiences from a recent visit to South Africa and connected it to an early 1980s protest and educational campaign led by the OSU African Students’ Association in response to wrestling coach Dale Thomas’ association with the South African wrestling community; the history is documented in the Ed Ferguson Oregon Anti-Apartheid Scrapbook. Through his facilitation, workshop participants connected the anti-apartheid student activism that occurred on campus to a number of contemporary issues: race relations at OSU today, our national context, what is currently occurring politically in South Africa, and the complex relationship between sports and politics.


TOO BLACK’s presentation “Today is yesterday”

As part of the workshop, participants created their own spoken word poetry – and one participant even performed as part of the evening’s event! TOO BLACK explained propaganda and counter-propaganda, and how spoken-word poetry can be a form of counter-propaganda.

  • Propaganda: “the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of the propagandist” ~ Garth Jowett and Victoria O’Donnell
  • Counter-Propaganda: “carefully prepared answers to false propaganda with the purpose of refuting the disinformation and undermining the propagandist.” ~ Herbert Romerstein

Workshop participants were asked to:

Write a poem/create a form of art that represents counter-propaganda towards a particular social justice issue while tying the past to the present

Examples of counter-propaganda topics:

  • Black-on-Black crime has nothing to do with police brutality
  • White people did not discover humanity
  • Poor people work just as hard as rich people
  • Latinx – Americans should learn Spanish
  • LGBTQ – you can’t convert the way you were born (Conversion therapy)
  • All identities intersect
Workshop participants working on their poems

Workshop participants working on their poems

Workshop participants sharing their work with one another

Workshop participants sharing their work with one another

The Performance

The performance took place in the Memorial Union Lounge and there were over 100 students, Faculty/Staff, and community members in attendance. The evening began with Brandi Douglas, of UHDS and one of the event organizers, welcoming all in attendance and with introductions to the students who shared their spoken word poetry. The students expressed their personal social justice struggles beautifully, and the first part of the evening closed with Douglas’ own poem which included audience participation.

TOO BLACK’s performance included about a half dozen poems ranging in topics from apartheid and imperialism, student debt, police killings of black men, capitalism, and more. His presence was memorizing and his words were incredibly moving. Afterwards, he not only had an opportunity for a Q & A, he stayed late to share his book of poems – students lined up to purchase their very own signed copy.



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Radio Movimiento Interview

radio-movimientoThe OMA was on Radio Movimiento as part of its Dinos Quién Eres, Lazos Universitarios OSU series! The series, which airs every second Wednesday of the month, focuses on showing the stories of leaders and people from OSU’s Latino community and the work they carry out to improve their community. Radio Movimiento is community radio station operated by PCUN (Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste). KPCN-LP began airing on August 18, 2006. The OMA interviewed aired December 14, 2016 and is available online. In it Natalia Fernández, OMA curator and archivist talks about her childhood, her university experiences, and work as an archivist.


Interview Description (the interview is in Spanish)

Hoy conoceremos a Natalia Fernández, hija de padres Cubanos, quienes llegaron exiliados de Cuba en los años 60. Natalia paso la mayor parte de su vida en Tucson Arizona en donde sus padres se establecieron cuando ella tenía 5 años. Natalia curso su educación primaria, secundaria y preparatoria en Tucson Arizona y posteriormente estudio en la Universidad de Arizona en donde obtuvo su licenciatura en Historia de Arte y Literatura Española. Después, obtuvo su maestría en Información Recursos y ciencia de la biblioteca (Information Resources and Library Science) de la misma Universidad de Arizona. Natalia enfatiza que, el tener el apoyo de sus padres, para ella fue muy importante para poder lograr sus metas académicas. Ella nos dice que la comunicación honesta con los padres es muy importante. El expresar las preocupaciones, las indecisiones y los planes, a los padres o a las personas que sirven como tal, es esencial para obtener una guía y apoyo fuerte que impulsen a obtener las metas académicas y personales. Natalia ahora trabaja como Archivista para el Archivo Multicultural de Oregon, de La Universidad del Estado de Oregon (Oregon State University). Para Natalia el ser Archivista es un trabajo gratificante, ya que; el documentar las historias de las diferentes comunidades y culturas que existen en Oregon le han hecho descubrir un mundo que ella no conocía.

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