The OMA at REFORMA 2015

The OMA’s REFORMA Presentation

Established in the early 1970s, REFORMA is a national organization with the mission to “promote library and information services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking.” In its 45 year history, it has only hosted 5 conferences, so the OMA was delighted to attend and give a presentation at RNC V, REFORMA’s 2015 national conference, this past week!

The presentation focused on OMA projects with OSU’s Cultural Resource Centers (CRCs) including the creation of a shared CRC library system, the development of archival collections including oral histories, and the curation of small exhibits in the library to showcase the CRCs’ histories.

“Oregon State University’s Centro Cultural César Chávez: Connecting Latino/a students to other campus cultural resource centers through shared library and archival projects” click here for a copy of the presentation

The conference took place in San Diego, CA, a city that boasts the beautiful Balboa Park which includes the Centro Cultural de la Raza

Centro Cultural de la Raza

And, rumor has it that we may not need to wait another 5 years until the next conference; there may be one in 2017 which means another opportunity for the OMA to share its work!

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