The Urban League of Portland’s 2014 Equal Opportunity Day Awards Dinner

ULPDX EOD Dinner 2014 Program

It’s that time of year again – the Urban League of Portland (ULPDX) Equal Opportunity Day Awards Dinner!

As we have done for the past several years, the OMA brought a display of ULPDX archival materials to share with dinner attendees. Each year we share information about the collection includes 480 images available online through the OMA Digital Collection, quick link “Urban League of Portland”, dozens of textual documents, including the organization’s Meeting Minutes and Newsletters, and more information on the Urban League of Portland Online Collection.

Urban of Portland Archives Display

But this year was extra special, because we just happened to select a photo from the early 1990s that included two ladies, a grandmother and grand-daughter at the Whitney Young Jr. Center, that were dinner attendees and recognized themselves in the photo!

Gloria Phillips and her grand-daughter Chinara Shambry

Phillips is a long time member of the Urban League family and her grand-daughter also became a member at a very young age – it was wonderful to have the opportunity to meet these two ladies!

And, the event itself was of course, excellent. The theme for the evening was education and both the keynote speaker, Dr. Nancy Golden, and the honoree this year was Charlene Williams, gave inspiring speeches. Dr. Golden, is Oregon’s Chief Education Officer and Williams led Portland’s Roosevelt High School to an incredible improvement in the school’s overall academic performance – she is now Senior Director for the Roosevelt Cluster and Benson High School.

As always, we look forward to next year!

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