Save Ethnic Studies! New DVD available at the Library

Cover of “Precious Knowledge” DVD

On October 18th dozens of OSU community members gathered to view the documentary “Precious Knowledge: Arizona’s battle over Ethnic Studies” and the filmmaker Eren Isabel McGinnis and special guest Curtis Acosta answered audience questions after the screening.

Don’t know about the film or the controversy in Arizona? Read on…

“Arizona lawmakers believe Tucson High School teachers are teaching victimization, racism, and revolution in their Ethnic Studies classes. Meanwhile Tucson Unified School District’s Mexican American Studies Department have data showing that almost 93% of their students, on average, graduate from high school and 82% attend college.

 Why is studying Mexican culture and history controversial? What is Ethnic Studies? Why is the national dropout rate so high for Mexican American youth 50%?

 The Dos Vatos Productions team filmed a year in the classroom to find out why the Mexican American Studies program is so popular with students, so misunderstood by the public, and discover what actually happens in the classroom.

 PRECIOUS KNOWLEDGE illustrates an epic civil rights battle as brave students and teachers battle with lawmakers and public opinion in an effort to keep their classes alive.”

 ~ Documentary Plot Outline, Precious Knowledge Facebook Page   

To find out more see check out the Precious Knowledge Facebook Page

And, the OSU Library was sure to purchase a copy of the DVD and it is now available for check out!  Media 5th Floor (GN307.85.U6 P73 2011)

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