MU #3: Provide an update on the MU’s diversity action plan. What is your educational plan?

One of the two new positions has a significant portion of its duties defined as providing leadership to our diversity training needs organization-wide.  The establishment of this position will supplement existing diversity action efforts, such as active participation in the Campus Coalition Builder’s leadership team, facilitation of the White Identity Development Retreat for students, global citizenship awareness efforts by ISOSU, under-represented professionals in media serving as speakers within Student Media’s professional development series.

About sumnerk

Memorial Union Marketing & Assessment
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One Response to MU #3: Provide an update on the MU’s diversity action plan. What is your educational plan?

  1. Lindsey Tart says:

    The global citizenship awareness is the direction into which more efforts should be invested since students are inclined to participate more actively in humante initiatives supporting disadvantaged people.

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