Job Descriptions

For my current job, the job description did not highly influence my decision to apply for the position because I already knew what the job expectations were and was planning to apply for the position because it was something I had been growing and working towards for several years. Due to this fact, my experience very heavily aligned with what was written out in the job description. There were a few points that outlined growth opportunities that that the position would include for myself and those became talking points during the interview process. It is good to ask questions and seek clarification in regards to any job description to ensure that the expectations are clear up front.

Generally speaking about job descriptions, I think it is very important that they paint a good picture of what the job looks like, what it entails, and what the expectations are for the applicants. Job Descriptions should be detailed and provide points for discussion and elaboration during the interview, and the applicant should review the job description very closely before the interview process. I have seen and edited job descriptions that were repetitive and confusing. Some of the requirements were not clear and they were not easy to understand. It is important that job descriptions provide concise, clear information and uses language that any applicant would be able to understand before they even work in that position.


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