
Center Director

Geoff Hollinger, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, OSU Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering

Affiliated Faculty

Julie A. Adams, Professor of Computer Science, OSU Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

human interaction with unmanned systems

Belinda Batten, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, OSU Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering

dynamics and control

Howard Chizeck, Professor, UW Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

telerobotics and neural engineering

Geoffrey Cram, Principal Engineer, UW Applied Physics Lab

marine hydrokinetic systems, geodetic instruments, hydroacoustics

Patrick Cross, Marine/Ocean Energy Program Manager, Hawai‘i Natural Energy Institute (HNEI)

autonomous vehicles, renewable energy generation

Joe Davidson, Associate Professor of Robotics, OSU Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering

robotic manipulation

Ross Hatton, Associate Professor, OSU Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences

locomotion and sensory perception

Burke Hales, Professor, OSU Earth, Ocean, & Atmospheric Sciences

measurement and experimental manipulation technology

Matthew Johnston, Associate Professor, OSU Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

biosensor and bioelectronic platforms

Warren Fox, Deputy Executive Director, UW Applied Physics Lab

environmental and information systems

Heather Knight, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, OSU Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

human-robot interaction

Mike Krieg, Associate Professor, UH Mānoa Ocean Resources and Engineering

unconventional propulsion, hydrodynamic modeling

Stefan Lee, Assistant Professor of Computer Science, OSU Electrical Engineering & Computer Science

computer vision, natural language processing

Fuxin Li, Associate Professor of Computer Science, OSU

deep learning, computer vision

Dana Manalang, Principal Engineer, UW Applied Physics Lab

systems development, testing

Aaron Marburg, Principal Electrical/Computer Engineer, UW Applied Physics Lab

optical and acoustic perception

Kristi Morgansen, Professor and Chair, UW Aeronautics & Astronautics

dynamical systems, coordinated control, bio-inspired systems

Bryson Robertson, Associate Professor, OSU Civil & Construction Engineering

wave, tidal and offshore wind energy

Kelly Sutherland, Professor of Biology, University of Oregon

ecology and evolutionary biology, biomechanics

Jim Thomson, Senior Principal Oceanographer, UW Applied Physics Lab

environmental fluid mechanics, tidal and wave energy

Kagan Tumer, Professor of Robotics, OSU Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering

trajectory optimization

Cristina Wilson, Assistant Professor-Senior Researcher, OSU Mechanical, Industrial, & Manufacturing Engineering

human-robot teaming