
First Blog of 2021

2020 has come and gone. It was a long year of trial and tribulation, but I and anyone who manages to see this blog managed to survive it. Maybe you hadn’t been born yet and you stumbled across this blog. My question is, how on earth did you find this. I imagine that this blog will be buried in the hole that is the internet for none to see again once graded. However, I will still write it as a testament to the past year. 2020 was a year that was simultaneously the quickest and slowest of my life. The fact that every single week seemingly had one terrible disaster or another made the year feel like it was taking forever. However I, like many people across the world spent most of 2020 holed away in my house. From this position, the days honestly began to blend together slowly. Due to this sort of blending of the days, 2020 seemed to fly by. Every day not having enough unique features to it to make it memorable. In some ways it feels like a lost year, but for me, it became a year of personal growth and reflection. I can say with certainty that through the events of 2020 and the decisions I made throughout the year, I am a better person.

2021 on the other hand looks largely the same as 2020 did at least from the outset. However, as I type this on January 17 while we are hitting record numbers of Covid-19 cases and deaths, it feels like we are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Through these last years of political upheaval, an insurrection has occurred, which seems like the fitting climax for this political saga. I am writing this days before Biden takes office, so there seem to still be a chance of tribulations in that area. Regarding Covid-19 I hope the new administration can bring more national unity of focus, and I am glad that the new vaccine has been created and has begun distribution. While we seem to be coming out of the tunnel, the issues that were uncovered in the past year, and the difficulties that will spring up due to decisions made throughout the past year, are yet to be fully understood.

Despite all of this, I am excited for 2021. I feel as though I am making more personal progress than previously in several areas. I am excited to see what the future holds. I hope everyone will be able to look back in the future and see 2020 as rock bottom, and we don’t have a year as difficult as that ever again.

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