International Work Opportunities.

Below is list of things that could change my outlook on living internationally.

  • Place to live, car, 
  • Health insurance policy
  • More upfront of what benefits 
  • Test period
  • Language barrier. 
  • Cultural differences
  • Spousal duel placement
  • Mentor

To go more in-depth, I will start with a place to live/transportation and spousal duel placement. Now in terms of housing, it doesn’t have to be subsidized, but information on where to live would be beneficial. When moving to a new location, you often don’t know where to live and the best site. Having guidance on this would help employees’ transition into their new surroundings. This to hand with transportation. Some cities’ cars are not even needed, so having access to information will help the potential employee know the area more. Another thing that s very important is spousal duel placement. Moving to another country doesn’t only impact one person but can also affect any partners involved.

Having a mentor and a guide to cultural differences will help with the transition to the new country. Having someone who can help me transition into the new lifestyle is a pretty big deal. When you’re in a new country, you don’t know the traditions and customs that affect everyday life.  The mentor can also help with any language barriers that may come up. I could not move to a country that I did not understand the language. I’m someone who doesn’t step out of my comfort zone often. All of these things would also line up with the need for a test period. Whether that’s three months or a year, giving employees a test period will help them not feel overwhelmed.

Two things that are probably the most important are health care and any other benefits the company offers. Each country has its health insurance, so it’s hard for any new employees to understand. Health care is probably one of the most important factors when picking an employer. Overall, these are only some of the few things I would need to consider moving internationally. However, I would not move internationally for a job because I wouldn’t say I like taking risks. The only time I would is if I was being transferred

Executive Compensations

Before watching any of the videos or lectures, I always viewed executive compensation as extreme for multiple reasons, and the video “Executive Pay: The Issues” further solidified that. It came down to the fact that CEOs (in 2007) were making 500 times more than their employees. The video also captures some of the issues perfectly. For example, when a company has a bad year/quarter, the employees pay for it, not the CEO.

In the jamb board, I said, “having how companies perform part of their pay. If the company isn’t doing well, it affects the CEO. And has employees rate the CEO’s performance”. This can also apply to stocks. For example, when a company has a bad quarter, a CEO’s stocks can take away before the CEO has a chance to sell.

However, there are multiple issues when thinking about decreasing an executive’s pay. “Corporate America” has gotten used to always trying to one-up each other when paying their CEOs. In “Executive Pay: The Issues” talks about how 2/3 of the corporations want to pay above market pay while 1/3 of the corporations want to be 25%. This comes to be a game to see who can all one-up each other. If the board of directors decides to decrease a CEO’s compensation, they’ll just move onto another company that can offer them more and not be punished. Thus, creating a market that favors any working CEO.

When looking at how to recruit CEOs, there are multiple things you consider. I believe one thing CEOs look into is stock options. Since, in most, they’re not reported, it’s easier to skate by. While a base salary works for some, CEOs are more interested in the perks and benefits that come along with it. That could be retirement/life insurance plans, health care, and free use of company property. It’s important to know where you stand in the compensation pay with your competitors. While you can compare yourself with other industries, your competitors are the ones you want to beat. If you believe your CEOs are the best in the industry, you will want to pay them however they want to keep the talent where it is.

Executive Pay: The Issues: December 2, 2002. Anonymous NewsHour Productions, 2002.