Category: Uncategorized

  • Post #8

    And the project is basically done! In our testing, it all seems good except for one bug. For some reason the server sometimes isn’t correctly removing clients once they’ve disconnected, making the server think it’s full when it really isn’t. But other than that, we have all parts at a level of completion that we’re…

  • Post #7

    Busy week. But also lots of progress. For the project, I managed to find enough time in my busy schedule to work and get a working solution for client disconnections during a game. It was easier to just abandon looking for a client reconnection and to tell the remaining connected client to disconnect and return…

  • Post #6

    Super busy week and a couple more coming up. My wife’s medical school graduation is this week and her, as well as my, parents flew in to attend. Then our wedding is next weekend so more family is coming in and crunch time is starting with all the little details you never think about until…

  • Post #5

    Busy week. I had to travel across the country for a wedding and spent a week there with friends and family. Got a bit of work done, but it’s time to make up some ground this week. My teammates did great with the UI and game engine, and I’ve managed to get moves to sent…

  • Post #4

    The chess project has been going slower than I’d like. This week, I started implementing some functionalities to the backend to make it more robust. A basic game engine is finished and I did an in depth review to offer some revisions to the logic and small redesigns to make the code more concise. The…

  • Post #3

    We divided up the workload and I’ve been given the back-end server. After discussion a lot on how we want to design the game, we decided that the easiest way would be for the game to be run on each client machine, and the server acts as just a messenger for sending moves from one…

  • Post #2

    I’ve been given the team I requested, and we’ve chosen an online chess web application for our project. When I think about the whole project, it seems daunting. There’s a lot of parts that I have no idea how to even start, or I feel like I’ve only touched upon previously, so it’s going to…

  • Post #1

    Time to start my last quarter at OSU, finishing with my capstone project to really show what I’ve learned. I just made a group and we’ve proposed a chess game that will hopefully be approved. It’s going to have a fully fleshed out GUI that the user can use to play, rather than inputting text…

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