Category: Uncategorized

  • Seminar in FES at OSU

    Andy will be presenting a seminar in the department of Forest Ecosystems and Society at Oregon State on Friday, November 22.  Details can be found here. All are welcome.

  • Undergraduate research opportunities

    Interested in gaining research experience as an undergraduate?  The Jones lab is looking for motivated and enthusiastic individuals to conduct research related to  several current projects in the lab.  Students will gain valuable research experience in the areas of plant ecology and evolutionary biology.  We are currently accepting student applications through the USRA-ENGAGE program at…

  • Welcome!

    The lab has grown considerably in the last month.  Welcome to postdocs Ivi and Kaitlin and Master’s student Jessica.

  • Plant Community Ecology

    Andy is teaching a graduate course in Plant Community Ecology in Fall 2013-2014.   There is still space available.  The course will focus on controversial and contentious issues in community ecology.

  • Tupper seminar September 7th

    Andy is giving a seminar “Unearthing patterns of below ground tropical tree community diversity and assembly through DNA metabarcoding” at STRI in the Tupper seminar room at 4 pm on September 7th.   You can watch a webcast here.

  • SIGEO Analytical Workshop

    Andy is at the SIGEO Analytical Workshop this week at the Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute in Front Royal, Virginia.

  • New Publication in Ecology

    Pearse et al. have a new publication in press at Ecology. Good job, Will!

  • Congrats!

    Congratulations to Megan O’Connell, OSU biology major and budding tropical ecologist. Megan has been awarded an internship at STRI for the summer of 2013.  Megan will be working with us on the drought responses of seedlings project.  Way to go Megan!

  • NSF grant awarded

    The lab has received NSF funding for a project entitled “Intraspecific variation in drought responses of tropical tree seedlings – consequences for species distributions under climate change”.  The work is a multidisciplinary study in collaboration with Drs. Liza Comita (Ohio State) and Bettina Engelbrecht (U. Bayeruth).  The team will be looking at the degree to…

  • New Publication

    McInnes et al. have a new publication in PLoS ONE.  Nice work Lynsey!