So where are we moving . . . ?

Let me introduce you to the Jefferson Street Building or JSB as we are calling it.  If you continue west on Jefferson Street from 35th, past the Hinsdale Wave Lab, you will come to the end of Jefferson; on your right is the building we’re moving into.

There are actually two buildings, the main building, and the Annex.  The buildings are relatively new having been constructed in the 1990s and combined have more than 20,000 sq ft of usable space.

The plan is to move into the larger of the two buildings.  It has two floors.  We will have all of the second floor, and all of the office/desk space on the first floor.  There is a large kitchen/break area and several conference rooms. The buildings have a dedicated parking lot and covered bicycle shed.  There are even showers for those of you who insist on living at your desks! The smaller Annex building will continue to be occupied by USGS employees for the foreseeable future.


Why are we moving?

With OSU’s planned growth more space is needed.  OSU’s executive leadership has initiated a plan to move service units that aren’t directly engaged in a teaching and research role out of the campus core.  The result of that plan is that units like Business Services and some business centers are also being moved out of the core of campus.  While we are relocating, we are not moving off campus.  With building space limitations to the east of campus, future construction will also be moving west.

The JSB is about 9/10 of a mile from The Valley Library.  That’s about a 20 minute walk to Milne and Kerr Administration.   We’re already discussing transportation and hoteling space for those of you who may occasionally need direct (and quick!) access to the server rooms.


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