Author: Charity Sevaaetasi

  • Week 10: Blog

    I choose Japan as the country of interest for this exercise. Japan and the United States have significant differences in cultural dimensions according to Hofstede’s framework. For starters, power distance is higher in Japan than in the United States, which means hierarchical structures are more pronounced, and there is greater respect for authority and seniority.…

  • Week 9

    I took the life stress inventory test. My score was less than 150, meaning a relatively low amount of life change and a low susceptibility to stress-induced health breakdown. What I also realized taking this test is that it had major life incidents that can happen in the potential future of mine, which made my…

  • Week 5: How do you think implicit bias could impact the reliability or validity of a selection?

    What is implicit bias? It is when someone has subconscious feelings, attitudes, prejudices, and stereotypes that they have developed due to prior influences and imprints throughout their lives. People intentionally say negative things about others but do not know that there is intentional discrimination. With this mindset, many problems can occur with implicit bias. One…

  • Week 5: Was the Interview effective or ineffective?

    For my interview, I worked as a gate operator at a warehouse that delivers goods to multiple companies around the US to their designated stores. As a delivery company, my job was to check in and check out drivers and trailers entering and exiting our facility. Also, making sure they got the proper paperwork. I…

  • Week 4: Challenges with Job Description

    Speaking from personal experience, in my opinion of a job description for me is the fact that I am a student athlete. My main focus is to go to school but I also have to focus on softball to continue to go to school here. Developing this job description was and is tough because a…

  • Human Resources MGMT: Blog 1

    I chose these companies because it is in the hospitality industry. They are all above average when it comes to employee satisfaction compared to other companies. Their similarities were that they have somewhat of a strategic system. Meaning they all have values they focus on and that is mainly employee satisfaction and mission. With a…

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