Math senior finds inspiration from women mathematicians at OSU

Originally published on iMPACT. It is fairly uncommon to win a major international honor just a month before graduation — a sort of icing on the graduation cake. But mathematics Honors student Sara Tro has achieved just that. Sara and her teammates — fellow math majors Andrea Lanz and Michael Kupperman — were given a […]

Aspiring neuroscientist grounded in science and the arts wins Goldwater Scholarship

Originally published on iMPACT. Isabella (“Bella”) Karabinas received the prestigious Goldwater Scholarship. She is one of four 2019 Goldwater Scholars from Oregon State this year. The junior Honors student, whose favorite classes in high school were biochemistry and psychology, is double majoring in both psychology and biochemistry and molecular biology and minoring in chemistry with a pre-medicine […]

The Science of Science Communications

Oregon State University researchers conduct groundbreaking work, innovating and driving science forward with each new discovery. However, it’s one thing to do the research – it’s entirely another to communicate the results to a broad audience. That’s where senior honors Biochemistry and Molecular Biology student Victor “Tori” Puoci comes in. Tori is spending his summer […]

Beating the Heat – Firing a Passion for Research

Honors mechanical engineering student Rachel McAfee began undergraduate research in the very first term of her first year. Now, two years and a conference publication later, she’ll spend the summer at the US Army Research Laboratory working on laser defense weapon technology research. “I was very fortunate to meet my research advisor, Dr. Joshua Gess, […]

Cora White Selected for MCORRP Internship

The Oregon State University Honors College is proud to announce that junior honors biochemistry and molecular biology student Cora White has been selected to attend the 2019 Michigan Clinical Outcomes Research and Reporting Program (MCORRP) summer internship. Each year, one honors student is selected from a competitive pool of applicants to receive a scholarship in […]

Start-ups and Successes

Honors graduate Brett Stoddard is no stranger to developing ideas and companies. This summer, he’ll continue to create new opportunities by co-founding a startup in the medical technology space.   “I got into entrepreneurship my sophomore year of undergrad,” Brett says. “I was working on RFID soil moisture sensors in the Openly Published Environmental Sensing […]

Developing a Career – Honors Student Works Second Internship with Google

This summer, honors computer science student Phillip Mestas will be returning to Google for his second internship with the company. “I got connected with Google by just applying online,” Phillip says. “I submitted an application, not thinking anything would come from it, but to my surprise I got a call back.”   Phillip previously worked […]

Embracing the Opportunity to Grow

When Logan Adams met Stephen Good at an Honors College faculty-student matching reception, it seemed like a perfect match. Logan, an HC ecological engineering and international studies student, who graduated in spring, 2019, was interested in working on water issues for his thesis, and Dr. Good is a hydrology expert in the School of Biological […]

Her Goal Was Always Clear. The Honors College Helped her Achieve it.

  Kitten research? For many people, that probably sounds like an especially cuddly dream. But for Oregon State University Honors College and Animal Science Major Naomi Sakaguchi, it was the basis for her honors thesis.   It all started with an email from the College of Agricultural Sciences that described a research opportunity involving kitten […]

The Honors College and Center for the Humanities Announce Inaugural Summer Internship Recipients

The Oregon State University Honors College and Center for the Humanities have announced the first participants in a jointly-sponsored competitive summer internship program. Honors College students Maia Insinga, Mahal Miles and Mohammed Shakibnia will work with their faculty mentors on collaborative projects designed to enhance their professional skills and development and advance faculty research. Insinga […]