Lessons from dog camp

This August, the nearly 20,000 square feet of OSU’s James E. Oldfield Animal Teaching Facility was filled with conversations, commands, laughter and the occasional bark or yip — the signature sounds of the organized chaos known to children and their family dogs as Do As I Do (DAID) camp. For two weeks, eight child-dog pairs […]

A Family’s Journey in Honors

Each student has their own unique journey to become part of the Honors College. Sometimes, parents and family join their students and get involved in the college in their own way. After her son Zac began his career at the Honors College in the fall of 2016, Kathy Pinard became a member of the Parent […]

Research and Medicine – A Truly Honors Experience

“Getting into Oregon State University and the Honors College was a surprise,” says Greg Heinonen, HBS ’19. “I wasn’t the best academically in high school.” However, Greg’s diverse resume impressed the HC admissions committee, and, four years later, with honors degree in hand, he has lived up to the HC ideal and then some. Greg […]

Her Goal Was Always Clear. The Honors College Helped her Achieve it.

  Kitten research? For many people, that probably sounds like an especially cuddly dream. But for Oregon State University Honors College and Animal Science Major Naomi Sakaguchi, it was the basis for her honors thesis.   It all started with an email from the College of Agricultural Sciences that described a research opportunity involving kitten […]

Honors College Ranked in Top Ten on OSU Day of Giving

On the first annual OSU Day of Giving, the Honors College raised over $31,000 from gifts made by 139 donors. These numbers ranked in the top ten for all OSU units participating in the Day of Giving.   “The Day of Giving was a tremendous, inspiring success for the Honors College and for our entire […]

The Value of Experience – Giving Back

Ken and Paula Krane had already given a great deal to the Honors College, in a wide range of roles, before deciding to set up a scholarship supporting experiential learning. Their involvement has really been about giving back to the place that has given them a home. Ken and Paula came to Corvallis in 1974, […]

Introspection as Legacy – A Poet’s Journey

“The only thing that can save the world is the reclaiming of the awareness of the world. That’s what poetry does.” –Allen Ginsberg On the north end of the University of Iowa campus sits the Dey House and the Glenn Schaeffer Library, two uniquely picturesque buildings among the nearby academic facilities. These buildings house one […]

College to Career – The Leader Within

By Christopher McCracken | HC Student Media Writer From the classroom to the workforce, the Honors College prepares students for success. Just ask alumna Kari Parker (’15), a professional in industrial engineering and strategic planning.   Kari entered the workforce directly after graduating and hasn’t slowed down since. “It took me a few years after […]

Learning Without Limits

Jeremy Cutsforth-Gregory was never one for limiting the scope or range of his ambitions. He managed to complete three honors degrees during his time at Oregon State University, graduating summa cum laude in 2005 with an HBS in biochemistry and biophysics and HBAs in international studies and Spanish (plus a minor in chemistry for good […]