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Fungi Mutations and Future Plans

It’s very likely an uncommon experience for undergraduate research to have findings pertinent to the development of genetic diseases and cancer. For fourth-year honors biochemistry and biophysics student Mark Geisler, though, that’s just another day in the lab. “I’ve been working in Michael Freitag’s lab in Biochemistry and Biophysics for two and a half years […]

Lights from Underground

Students who enrolled in the Honors College colloquium “Publishing Underground” probably did not expect the title to be literal. But one winter day, underground they went, led by instructors Korey Jackson and Kelly McElroy, into the dark basement of Fairbanks Hall to use an old-fashioned letterpress. There, students learned to set type and to print […]

A Legacy of Changed Lives

At the end of fall term, 2018, two of the Honors College’s most engaged and beloved faculty partners retired following careers marked by distinction both in honors and across Oregon State University. College of Science faculty members Kevin Ahern and Indira Rajagopal have been central figures within the college for over a decade. In that […]

Medicine and public health come together in Ecuador internship

Originally published on Synergies. An internship could be located just 10 minutes from campus, but Emily Burney would rather travel to the equator, some 4,000 miles away. As a wide-eyed high school senior, Emily learned about international internships while on a tour of Oregon State’s campus. She was intrigued, and four years later she made her international dream a reality with an internship […]

A Family’s Well and the Human Impact of an Honors College Thesis

It was a family’s real-world issue with their well that inspired Julianne Robinson’s thesis project – and inspired one of the biggest lessons the honors ecological engineering major took from her research experience: the importance of human interaction. This was something her teachers and mentors had been telling her all along. “I had an engineering […]

Oregon State, Women, and the Honors College – Looking to the Past and Future

Though it may be a relatively new offering,“OSU, Women and Oral History: An Exploration of 150 Years” has already left its mark on Oregon State University. Introduced as an honors colloquium course last winter term, students enrolled in the class explore the theory and practice of oral history through the lens of women at Oregon […]

Free Coffee and Easy Conversation – A Recipe for Honors Success

The smell of coffee and the sound of engaging conversation are a comfort in any environment. Even better, though, is that same experience taking place right in the heart of the Honors College. Each term, the Oregon State University Honors College puts on one or more events known as Honors College Community Coffees – HC […]

Marketing for Good

Hamza Molvi is not only a fifth-year Honors College student double-majoring in marketing and Business Information Systems, he is also the photographer and designer behind Honors College social media and many HC print pieces and publications. But this past summer, he found himself in an unusual new role that had him taking photos of dogs […]

Environment Then and Now – The Work of Dr. Jacob Hamblin

Human activity has undeniably altered the physical and ecological landscape. Will those alterations, though, last long into the future? Dr. Jacob Hamblin guides students through an exploration of this and other topics in the honors colloquium course “Dawn of the Anthropocene”. In the course, students explore the ways in which humans have dramatically altered the […]

Learning Without Limits

Jeremy Cutsforth-Gregory was never one for limiting the scope or range of his ambitions. He managed to complete three honors degrees during his time at Oregon State University, graduating summa cum laude in 2005 with an HBS in biochemistry and biophysics and HBAs in international studies and Spanish (plus a minor in chemistry for good […]