HCSA Events This Week
TOMORROW! Service Opportunity – Virtual Thank You Letter-Writing Event
HCSA & Honors X would like to thank our amazing custodial staff within the LInC for all they’ve done to keep everything sanitized during COVID and keep us safe. We will be hosting an event to write thank you letters for them tomorrow, Tuesday, Nov. 17 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. via Zoom. If you are interested in joining and would like more information, please sign up here.
REGISTER NOW! HCSA Friendsgiving This Week
Join HCSA and Honors X for a fun virtual Friendsgiving via zoom on Thursday, Nov. 19 from 7:00-8:00 p.m. during the HCSA meeting. Come play some fun virtual games and enjoy a free dinner to Chipotle on us if you RSVP here by Wednesday, Nov. 18. We hope to see you there!
REGISTER NOW! Coffee with Alumni This Week
Join us to hear from Honors College alumni who are now professionals across multiple disciplines on Saturday, Nov. 21 at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. They will be sharing their professional journey after graduation, their experience choosing whether to attend graduate school, and how their careers have been impacted by COVID-19. If you register by Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 1:00 p.m., we will send you a $5 gift card to Starbucks so you can enjoy some coffee during the panel! Please RSVP here if you would like to join. We hope to see you there!
HC Announcements and Events
THIS WEEK! Paid Internships Through OSU Advantage Accelerator Info Session
The OSU Advantage Accelerator team is looking for several Honors College interns for the academic year as well as over the summer. This program is focused on high-growth, traded sector startup, and early-stage organizations. Interns assist in the development of new businesses through market research, competitive analysis, due diligence, and more. These internships are paid, and interns can work up to 10 hours per week in the academic year and up to 30 hours in the summer. Students also have the opportunity to enroll in Honors elective credit (BA 407H) for this experience. An informational session will be held Wednesday, Nov. 18 at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom. Please RSVP at this link here. For more information, please contact HC Student Engagement Coordinator, Emily Garcia, at emily.garcia@oregonstate.edu.
NEW! Bob Ross Paint Night Coming Soon
Need a study break? Come join HCSA’s Bob Ross Paint Night on Wednesday, Dec. 2 at 6:00 p.m. as we follow Bob step by step in a soothing instructional video on creating a happy masterpiece! We are providing free paint kit sto the first 40 students who RSVP. If you are interested in joining us and already have a paint kit, that works too! The Zoom meeting information will be sent to you once you register here. Remember: “Every day is a good day when you paint!” – Bob Ross
NEW! Apply for the Delta Scholars Program to Work for Social Change
The Delta Scholars Program is an academic and community engagement program for talented and socially conscious college students. Delta Scholars are selected for their academic achievements and commitment to public service to participate in a ten-day Summer Institute in Mississippi followed by a five-day trip to Boston and Harvard University in the fall. Both experiences will help young leaders think critically about systemic injustices in the Mississippi Delta, and each Scholar will develop a project that will produce positive social change in their communities.
This is a nationally competitive program aimed at all sophomore students, with preference given to those who are from or attending school in the Mississippi Delta Region. Applications for the 2021 Summer Institute are due February 1, 2021. Questions can be directed to Dr. Christopher Snyder, Dean of the Shackouls Honors College at 666-325-2522 or csynder@honors.msstate.edu.

Submit Nominations for HC Student Spotlight Series
The HC is currently accepting nominations for students to feature in our Student Spotlight series. If you know of a student who you think deserves recognition for their studies, research, service, or a specific area of interest please submit their name and the reason for the nomination here. We’ll contact selected students for permission and to schedule a short interview. Self-nominations are welcome!
Stage One Thesis Workshops
Complete the first stage of your Honors Thesis! Learn more about the possibilities and requirements for the Honors Thesis and create your personal Thesis Map in a 45-minute workshop. You can view the full schedule of workshops and register online here. You will receive a reminder and a Zoom invitation via email the business day before your workshop. You must register online to receive the conference link.
Scholarship Opportunities
Honors Experience Scholarship
Honors College undergraduates in need of financial support for experiential learning opportunities that advance their educational goals and support completion of their honors degree can apply for an Honors Experience Scholarship. Eligible experiences include, but are not necessarily limited to, Oregon State University-authorized study abroad or internship opportunities, professional or research-related travel, service learning, course fees for experiential course opportunities and thesis research. Unanticipated expenses related to your ability to engage in experiential learning during the current pandemic are eligible for consideration.
Submit an Honors Experiential Award Application by 5:00 p.m. on Dec. 4, 2020 for consideration for winter term. Contact Leanna Dillon leanna.dillon@oregonstate.edu with any questions.
Honors College Differential Tuition and Emergency Grant
The Honors College recognizes that this may be a particularly challenging time for Honors College students and their families. We encourage students who are experiencing difficulty paying the costs associated with Honors College enrollment to apply for a one-term Honors College Differential Tuition and Emergency Grant. Determinations will be made on a rolling basis and will consider both need and the likelihood of earning the Honors Baccalaureate.
Inability to pay Honors College differential tuition or other costs this term should not be the primary barrier to any student’s successful graduation from the college or continuation as an honors student. Approved grants may be for the full HC differential tuition (currently $500) or a portion of it and are for one-term only. Grants will not be renewed for additional terms, but students can reapply. Typically, students can only receive two Differential Tuition and Emergency Grant during their time in the Honors College. See the application for additional information.
Election Resources
NEW! The 2020 Elections: What Happened and Why?
You listened to the debates. You researched the issues. You performed your civic duty. Now it’s time to take perspective with a look back at the 2020 election and a look ahead to the future of politics in America. Join an informative post-election discussion with writer, researcher and past-government appointee David Bernell, associate professor of political science. Because a well-informed electorate is a prerequisite for democracy. Have a post-election question? Submit it when you register here. The discussion takes place on Tuesday, Nov. 17 at noon.
HC Resources During the Elections
We would like our HC students to know that we are here as a resource for you during the elections. If you need a space to process, ask questions, or are seeking additional support, please feel free to contact Emily Garcia, the HC Student Engagement Coordinator, at emily.garcia@oregonstate.edu or Danielle Terrell, the Resident Director for West & Sackett Hall, at danielle.terrell@oregonstate.edu. We also hope you engage in some self-care by joining some of our events this week or taking the time to tend to your personal needs.
If you would like more information regarding the support the OSU Counseling & Psychological Services offers, please click here.
Election 2020 Message from Dean of Students
It is important to remember:
- Regardless of political views, all OSU community members should continue to demonstrate respect for one another.
- OSU encourages productive and respectful sharing of dissenting viewpoints. The university’s core values should guide constructive discourse with others.
- OSU’s policies on Freedom of Expression help advance our commitment to inclusion and enable differences in opinion to be discussed openly and safely.
- All students must adhere to the OSU student code of conduct and threats of physical violence or behavior by anyone that substantially disrupts university operations are prohibited.
OSU’s Election 2020 website provides various resources and programs for students who need more assistance. Meanwhile, OSU President F. King Alexander has asked faculty to recognize that students will experience many emotions following the election, and to provide appropriate flexibility with regard to assignments, exams, deadlines and other course requirements.
Campus-Wide Opportunities
THIS WEEK! Community Dialogue: How Does Real Change Come from Protests?
Community Dialogues is a series which seeks to cultivate connection and deep learning through the exploration of critical and continuous issues. Each dialogue will include a mixture of large group and small-group activities, including introductions, an overview of the topic, dialogue, reflection, and an action-oriented closing. Taking place this week on Wednesday, Nov. 18 from 4:00-5:30 p.m., the topic is “How does real change come from protests?” Register here to receive the Zoom information.
THURSDAY! Multiracial Connect
Thursday, November 19 from 7:00- 8:00 p.m. on Remo. Come build community, learn about campus resources, and mingle with other Multiracial students and staff at OSU. At this program you will also learn about the upcoming Multiracial Aikido retreat.
For accommodations related to disability, please email Brittany Griffin at brittany.griffin@oregonstate.edu.
NEW! First-Year and Incoming Transfer Students – Submit Selfie for Class Photo
Are you new to Oregon State University this term? The deadline for first-year and incoming transfer students to submit a selfie for inclusion in a class photo mosaic has been extended to Dec. 1. The mosaic will be made of new student and OSU campus photos. Once created, the class photo will be available to download on the OSU Welcome webpage here. Submit your selfie here today!
NEW! Lessons in Leadership: Measuring Poverty with Leanne Giordono and David Rothwell
Students are encouraged to join Community Engagement & Leadership for this interactive conversation on the intersection of poverty, social inequality and leadership with researchers from the OSU Poverty Research Group. This event will take place on Monday, Nov. 16, from 4:00-5:30 p.m. on Zoom. Register here for more details. Questions? Contact cel@oregonstate.edu.
HC Resources
These resources are available throughout the term.
NEW! HC Conversation Clusters: Vote for Your Favorite Memes & National and Global Scholarships Advising Office
Be sure to watch our Instagram this week to vote for your favorite memes submitted by over 80 clusters this week – feel the joy as we slowly narrow it down to our most favorite before Thanksgiving. This week we have partnered with the National and Global Scholarships Advising Office to challenge you to explore this office and the various scholarships available. Be sure to watch the discussion board on Friday and next week for answers to your questions.
As a reminder, the goal of this program is for every honors student to feel included, connected, and cared for. Even if you don’t think you’ll benefit, we ask that you join in fully–because when everyone participates, everyone benefits, and of course, reach out with questions to LeeAnn.Baker@oregonstate.edu.
LInC Extended Hours and Access
The SLUG has extended its weekend hours. The new hours are:
- Monday – 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
- Tuesday – 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
- Wednesday – 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
- Thursday – 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
- Friday – 7:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
- Saturday – 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. NEW HOURS
- Sunday – 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. EXTENDED AM HOURS
LInC Access: Entry during hours when the SLUG is open and the LInC is closed is now via ID card only. The code that worked previously has been deactivated. If your ID card is not working, please notify stollerk@oregonstate.edu. Note: the card only allows access to the LInC when the SLUG is open. For additional information and updates, see here.
HCSA/Honors X General Meeting Every Thursday, New Members Welcome!
Looking for an opportunity to meet other students and get involved with the HC? The Honors College Student Association and Honors X hold their general meetings every Thursday from 7:00-8:00 p.m. via Zoom (meeting ID 922 1349 4129, password: HCSA) for HCSA and 8:00-8:30 p.m. for Honors X via Zoom (meeting ID 917 5442 5322, password: honors). All HC students are welcome to join! Can’t make it to the meetings? No problem–join us on Microsoft Teams at team code: uq9bafe.
“Forgot your lunch?” Station Available in SLUG
The Honors College is back with a “Forgot your lunch?” station for you to have a snack or light lunch if you ever need it. Whether you need food because you forgot your lunch, are low on money, or simply need a snack – please help yourself to this free resource. The resource is self-serving and can be accessed any time that the SLUG is open in the kitchen area.
West & Sackett Drop-In Office Hours
Emily Garcia, the Honors College Student Engagement Coordinator, will be hosting office hours throughout fall term. Stop by if you have any questions regarding the Honors College, the Honors College Student Association, how to get involved, or just need general advice and someone to talk to!
- Mondays: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in West Hall 121
- Tuesdays: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Sackett 105
- Wednesdays: 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in West Hall 121
- Thursdays: 3:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Sackett 105
COVID-19 Resources
Honors College Compact
Recognizing the interdependence of all members of our community and the responsibilities as an HC student, the Honors College Community Compact outlines health and safety expectations and requirements for the upcoming academic year. This compact is designed to help protect our campus and local communities from the risks posed by COVID-19.
Human Services Resource Center: COVID-19 Resources
The HSRC has changed many processes and programs so they can continue meeting students’ basic needs – this includes access to food, shelter, and other course related materials. More information on HSRC services can be found here.
–Remote Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
–Basic Needs Navigation and Emergency Housing
COVID Emails Sent to Students
The emails in this link were approved by the OSU Registrar to be sent to Student Communications listserves in the 2020-2021 school year. It provides a clear overview of emails sent to students regarding the OSU response to COVID-19 in the past few months.
By: Sukhjot Sal
CATEGORIES: Monday Messages