As a third year engineering student, it’s hard to find room in my schedule for more classes—especially ones that aren’t required, even if they seem really interesting. So, I always get excited when I can take PAC (physical activity classes) or colloquia classes. Both types of courses are a lot of fun and great break from your typical lecture/lab schedule. This term I was able to enroll in a PAC and a colloquium!
I took Rock Climbing II with Ty Atwater and Exploring History through Graphic Novels with Andrea Marks. Rock Climbing II focuses on preparing students to climb outdoors, so you learn how to lead climb and set up artificial anchors, among other things. I went on my first outdoor climb at Owl slab on the way to Mary’s Peak as part of the class outing. Despite the rain and gloomy weather, it was a great experience! I find PAC classes are a nice way to de-stress because you get to do an activity you enjoy (or learn a new one!) and get credit for it. Another plus: you are mainly graded on participation, so no need to worry about grades.
On the other hand, colloquia classes, which are only available to Honors College students, are a great way to explore topics outside of your major and to approach learning in a new way. The colloquium I took this term is by far my favorite one. Each week, this class of 12 students read a graphic novel about a historical event, and came together on Monday nights to discuss the book. We delved into topics such as West African slave trade, the history of Tibet and the Dalai Lama, the Holocaust, and the creation of the atomic bomb during this term. The discussions were always lively and I learned so much from my classmates. I would definitely recommend this class to people who enjoy learning about history but don’t have time or find it hard to get started, and just to anyone who wants a fun, relaxed colloquia class.
While my term was crazy busy, I really enjoyed taking these two classes. They served as a nice change of pace from my rigorous schedule and helped me learn about subjects I wouldn’t have had a chance to explore otherwise.
CATEGORIES: Inside Scoop