In the Spring of 2015, I took my first Honors Colloquia course: Positive Psychology taught by Don Johnson. While we only met for two hours a week, the class was transformative, as are most Honors Colloquia classes. There were only twelve students, which created an atmosphere of discussion and collaboration and throughout the class, we learned about the course material as well as each other. While talking about basic societal concepts, we were able to dig deep and look at ourselves in the reflection of society. We found and discussed our motivations in life, learning about others in the process. Through that class, I learned about the core foundations of the personalities sitting next to me more than those of my closest friends.
While there were many epiphanies and discoveries to be had throughout the course, one outcome I did not expect was networking. I was presented with an opportunity to participate in a student development seminar through a person I had met in the class. Then, through the seminar I was offered a position on the MU Advisory Board. It is surprising to think back on that time and realize how much of an impact taking one class has been on my life.
CATEGORIES: Inside Scoop