To add a poll to your blogsite, do the following:

  1. Go to Polls > Add Poll.
  2. Enter a question in the Question field.
  3. Provide at least two answers in the Answer fields.  If you would like to add additional options, just click the Add Answer button for each additional answer you want to include.
  4. By default, users are only allowed to provide one answer.  If you would like to allow your users the ability to provide multiple answers, change the Allows Users to Select More Than One Answer? option to Yes.
    1. If you allow your users to select more than one answer, change the Maximum Number of Selected Answers Allowed? field to the number of answers you will allow them to provide.
  5. Decide when you would like the poll to begin
    1. By default, the poll is set to start right after you create it.  If you would like to start it at a later date, just enter the desired start date and time in the Start Date/Time fields
  6. Decide if and when the poll should expire
    1. To keep the poll open indefinitely, just leave the Do NOT Expire This Poll box checked
    2. To set an automatic expiration date, uncheck the Do NOT Expire This Poll checkbox. A date and time field widget will appear.  Enter the desired end date and time in the End Date/Time fields.
  7. Click the Add Poll button

Poll management is performed through the Polls > Manage Polls menu link.  This control panel provides three different poll management categories:

  • Polls
    • Provides a table that includes the following information:
      • All polls on the blogsite
      • Total Voters
      • Start Date/Time
      • End Date/Time
      • Status of the poll (whether it’s open or closed)
      • Actions to use on the poll (Logs, Edit, Delete)
  • Polls Stats
    • Provides an aggregated summary of poll activity that includes the following information:
      • Total Polls
      • Total Poll Answers
      • Total Votes Casted
      • Total Voters
  • Polls Logs
    • Provides a log of users who have participated in polls

The Polls menu block, which is created by the WP-Polls plugin activation, is located in the lower left corner of the Dashboard.

This menu block contains several different poll creation and management tools:

  • Manage Polls
    • Manage your polls, view poll statistics, and view poll logs
  • Add Poll
    • Add a new poll to your blogsite
  • Poll Options
    • Set different options for your polls related to style, sorting, poll permissions, and poll archival
  • Poll Templates
    • Change the layout and information display of your polls (for advanced users)
  • Uninstall WP-Polls

To view help instructions on the WP-Polls plugin and Polls widget, just click on the following provided links:

You can also locate the specific help post in the Categories menu on this site.

The WP-PostRatings plugin adds an AJAX rating system for your blog’s post/page. This allows your audience to rate your content.

Once the WP-PostRatings plugin is activated a few different things will happen:

  • The Ratings widget will be available in the Appearance > Widgets control panel.
  • The Ratings menu block will be in the lower left corner of your Dashboard.  This menu block contains a variety of different

To view help instructions on the Ratings widget and settings, just click on the following provided links:

You can also locate the specific help post in the Categories menu on this site.