Lemon Water Benefits

Hotels, restaurants, and coffee shops have helped boost the rave of lemon water. Celebrities post aesthetically pleasing pictures of this infused water and it seems as though people everywhere are drinking it! What is the hype? Well, lemon water actually produces amazing benefits for the body! If you haven’t hopped aboard the train yet, I would think about considering it!

Lemons are an antioxidant rich in vitamin C that helps decrease blood pressure and reduce the risk of strokes. Studies show that starting your mornings off with lemon water kick starts your metabolism and Healthline.com states it’s overall use may promote weight loss, too! Vitamin C keeps you hydrated and averts wrinkling and aging from sun damage and dehydration.

The benefits of lemon water on the inside of you is amazing, but the outside is impacted as well! Vitamin C attacks the free radicals in our bodies which rids us of oxidation letting off a natural glow to the skin and hair. Naturalife.org says the vitamin C found inside of lemons increases collagen production aiding in the plumpening and tightening of the skin reducing the appearance of wrinkles in our faces.

Personally, the best way I found to incorporate lemon water into my life was by waking up each morning and beginning my day with one full glass. People should be consuming at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water each day so starting your morning off with one automatically eases you into the start of a healthy routine. Since lemon water kick starts your metabolism, the consumption creates a bridge to prepare you for the first meals of the day.

Jamaicahospital.org helps support these statements and further explains the ways the hype of lemon water should continue on. Water itself is one of the best benefits we could retain for our bodies and making sure we consume the proper amount is crucial to living healthy and full lives. But if you are looking for ways to spice up your regular drinking water, with further creating benefits for your system, then I encourage you all to try this!

A Healthy You Is A Happy You!

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