Professional Development Opportunities

Recent Program:

Designed for Impact: The Effective Extension Series

Date: February 27-29, 2024 from 8:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Location: Zoom

How can we overcome the ‘content coverage’ trap in our educational programs? 
Once we master content, we can focus on what truly matters in the learners’ lives.

Learn how in this series created for extension and other educators:

  • Gain practical experience in instructional design for diverse learners
  • Increase confidence in using learner-centered teaching approaches
  • Get feedback on your design, teaching plan, and evaluation survey
  • Apply the tools and strategies to your future programming and share them with others


Part 1. Writing Powerful Learning Outcomes
Part 2. Creating Assessment Tasks to Assist Learning
Part 3. Designing Learning Activities to Increase Engagement
Part 4. Identifying Essential Knowledge to Deepen Learning
Part 5. Crafting a Learner-Centered Teaching Plan
Part 6. Developing an Evaluation Tool

This professional development series is $75 for CAS Extension faculty and staff and $150 for others in OSU Extension and those without an OSU Extension appointment. Limited class size. To register email Mary Halbleib.

Conference sessions and presentations:

Halbleib, M.L. and Dinsdale, B. Planning for Parity: Learning from Past Projects and Increasing Women’s Access to Agricultural Programming in the Future. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) Conference. April 24, 2024, Orlando, FL. (15 min, n = X) peer-reviewed

Powell, M. Olcott, C., and Halbleib, M.L. Managing Climate Stress for Farmers, Ranchers, and Agricultural Professionals. OSU Extension Annual Conference. December 5, 2023. (1.25 hr, n = 25) peer-reviewed

Jones, G. and Halbleib, M.L. Good Enough to Great: What Makes for a Compelling Impact Statement. OSU Extension Annual Conference December 5, 2023. (1.5 hr, n = 48) peer-reviewed

Jones, G., Halbleib, M.L., and Giordono, L. Impacting Oregon: An Ag and Natural Resources Impact Statement Workshop. OSU Extension Annual Conference December 4, 2023. (3 hr, n = 50) invited

Time to Collect the Data: Tools of the Trade for Program Evaluation. OSU Extension Annual Conference December 8, 2022. Presented with Gordon Jones.

Planning for Powerful Impact Statements. OSU 2022 Extension Annual Conference Professional Development Session. Dec. 6, 2022.

Survey Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Data. Extension Foundation Extension Skills webinar. Nov. 10, 2022. Presented with Najat Elgeberi (University of Nevada) and LaJoy Spears (New Mexico State University) invited

Engaging with a New Extension Norm Series: Intentional Program Design. OSU 2021 Extension Annual Conference (online). Presented with Christensen, A., Doyle, J., & Philips, A. Dec. 9, 2021. invited

Writing Measurable Learning Outcomes: Building the Foundation of Your Extension Program Design. OSU 2021 Extension Annual Conference (online). Dec. 10, 2021.

Using Extension Education Design Templates to Increase Learner-Centered Teaching. National Association of Extension Program and Staff Development Professionals: Moving Forward in a New World Virtual Annual Conference. Dec. 2, 2021.

Outcome-Based Extension Education Programs, with Colette DePhelps, University of Idaho Annual Extension Conference In-Service Workshop. April 15, 2021 (invited).

Lecturers Anonymous: Starting Down the Road to Active Engagement and Learning Extension Programs, with Cassie Bouska and Gordon Jones, Dec. 5, 2019. Extension Annual Conference, Corvallis, OR. People’s Choice Award-Winning Session

Some Science Behind Learner-Centered Teaching for Extension Education. June 3, 2019. Crop and Soil Science Departmental Seminar, OSU, Corvallis, OR.

Extend Your Teaching and Learning to Enhance Sustainable Agriculture. Winter term, 2019. Ten-week, statewide course taught via Zoom.

High Impact Teaching: Applying Science and Best Practice to Increase Engagement, with Scott Duggan, April 3, 2019. Oregon Agricultural Extension Association Professional Improvement Conference. Bandon, OR.

Path to Success: Evaluating IPM Programs from Planning to Data to Impact Statements, with project team members. March 22, 2018. 9th International IPM Symposium, Baltimore, MD.

Past Programs:

Winter 2023 Effective Extension Program Design, Teaching, and Evaluation

How can we overcome the ‘content coverage’ trap in our education programs? 
How can we focus on what will truly matter in the learners’ lives? 
How can we increase engagement and deepen learning?

Learn how with your peers across Oregon in this series created specifically for Extension educators:

  • Gain practical experience in outcome-based instructional design
  • Increase your confidence in using learner-centered teaching approaches
  • Get feedback on your instructional design, teaching plan, and evaluation survey
  • Apply these tools and strategies to planning your future programming – and share them with others!

February 20 (Monday) from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm: Part 1. Writing Powerful Outcomes + Part 2. Creating Assessment Tasks to Promote Learning

February 21 (Tuesday) from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm: Part 3. Designing Learning Activities to Increase Engagement + Part 4. Identifying Essential Knowledge to Deepen Learning

February 22 (Wednesday) from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm: Part 5. Crafting a Learner-Centered Teaching Plan + Part 6. Developing an Evaluation Tool

Fall 2022 Effective Extension 6-Part Series: Program Design, Teaching, and Evaluation

This three-day series will provide you with the experience of creating and planning for teaching learner-centered Extension programs. The modules are designed to build upon each other in an intentional sequence resulting in an outcome-based instructional design, intentional teaching plan, and evaluation instrument. All experience levels are welcome and you may attend any of the sessions. To get registered email Mary Halbleib, Series Instructor.

October 10 (Monday) from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm: Part 1. Writing Powerful Outcomes + Part 2. Creating Assessment Tasks to Promote Learning

October 11 (Tuesday) from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm: Part 3. Designing Learning Activities to Increase Engagement + Part 4. Identifying Essential Knowledge to Deepen Learning

October 12 (Wednesday) from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm: Part 5. Crafting a Learner-Centered Teaching Plan + Part 6. Developing an Evaluation Tool

Winter 2022 Effective Extension Program Design, Teaching, and Evaluation

This three-day series will provide you with the experience of creating and planning for teaching learner-centered Extension programs. The modules are designed to build upon each other in an intentional sequence resulting in an outcome-based instructional design, intentional teaching plan, and evaluation instrument. All experience levels are welcome and you may attend any of the sessions. To get registered email Mary Halbleib, Series Instructor

March 14 (Monday) from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm: Part 1. Writing Powerful Outcomes + Part 2. Creating Assessment Tasks to Promote Learning

March 15 (Tuesday) from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm: Part 3. Designing Learning Activities to Increase Engagement + Part 4. Identifying Essential Knowledge to Deepen Learning

March 16 (Wednesday) from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm: Part 5. Crafting a Learner-Centered Teaching Plan + Part 6. Developing an Evaluation Tool

Fall 2021 Extension Program Design, Teaching, and Evaluation Series

This expanded six-part series is grounded in outcome-based education and focuses on learner-centered approaches for use by Extension faculty and other educators. These modules are designed to build upon each other in an intentional sequence. Please plan to attend all four of the instructional design modules (Modules 1-4) and then you will be able to craft a teaching plan and an evaluation tool. You can register for this series through the College of Agricultural Sciences Professional Development Program.

Module 1: Writing Powerful Learning Outcomes, October 19 (Tuesday) from 9 am to 11 am

Module 2: Creating Assessment Tasks to Promote Learning, October 22 (Thursday) from 9 am to 11 am

Module 3: Designing Learning Activities to Increase Engagement, October 26 (Tuesday) from 9 am to 11 am

Module 4: Identifying Essential Knowledge to Deepen Learning, October 28 (Thursday) from 9 am to 11 am

Module 5: Crafting a Learner-Centered Teaching Plan, November 16 (Tuesday) from 9 am to 11 am

Module 6: Developing an At-Event Evaluation Tool, November 17 (Wednesday) from 9 am to 11 am

Effective Extension Education Program Design

Writing Powerful Learning Outcomes: Learn to craft outcome statements that focus on the real-world needs of your audience. By the end of the session, you will have one or more learning outcome statements to build your educational program.

Creating Assessment Tasks to Enhance Learning: Expand the ways you check for learning and select approaches that align with your outcomes.

Designing Learning Activities to Increase Engagement: Develop an authentic educational activity that brings the real world into the classroom or an online event.

Identifying Essential Knowledge for Deeper Learning: Gain the skills to determine the knowledge that will make the most difference to your learners.

Design Templates for ExtensionPart 1 and Part 2
(November and December 2020)

Join your peers in one or both of these new 1.5-hour modules to learn how to use two new templates for Extension program design – the Using the Outcome-Based Design Template and the Using the Teaching and Learning Template.

Using the Outcome-Based Extension Education Design Template will enable you to:

  • More quickly develop effective course designs
  • Write powerful learning outcomes that are measurable, realistic, and attainable
  • Align assessment tasks, learning activities, and knowledge construction with the learning outcomes
  • Create a clear linkage to your evaluation plan and metrics

Using the Facilitating Teaching and Learning Template will enable you to:

  • More effectively manage limited time with learners
  • Focus contact time on activities that support deeper learning
  • Clarify the purpose for each block of time
  • Define instructor and learner roles for each activity

Extend Your Teaching and Learning to Enhance Sustainable Agriculture Course

Instructor: Mary Halbleib, Crop and Soil Science, Oregon State University
Support for course development was provided by the WSARE Professional Development Program

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