Mary Halbleib

I am a Professor of Practice in the Crop and Soil Science Department in the College of Agricultural Science. In my work, I create professional development opportunities and context-specific resources for extension faculty and other educators that support the use of evidence-based approaches to instructional design, learner-centered teaching strategies, and data translation into actionable information.

My goal is to empower educators to co-create intentional, outcome-based partnerships with their communities. To leverage our collective teaching and learning experience, I lead the Extension Teaching Network. I also conduct applied research and publish on educational development frameworks that result in shifts in how educators co-design and co-teach adult education programming. Please contact me if you would like me to lead capacity-building programs with educators and other professionals at your institution.

Areas of focus

  • Professional Development: I provide capacity-building programs to support educators in expanding their knowledge of the science of learning and building skills in instructional design and learner-centered teaching. I also provide individual or team consultations on teaching and learning specifically for those leading outreach with their communities.
  • Collaborative Extension Projects: I engage in research and education projects with others around the Western US and internationally to support producers in reducing the impacts of climate grief and enhancing the adoption of sustainable farming and ranching practices. My interests also include expanding the reach of educational initiatives through developing approaches to creating train-the-trainer programs with producers and other community members.
  • Extension Teaching Network: I lead monthly Zoom meetings with guest presenters to provide a venue for sharing teaching and learning insights and to demonstrate new tools that enhance engagement.

Publications and Resources

Extension Program Planning, Design, and Teaching

Program Evaluation Toolkit

Mary’s CV (July 2024)

Mary’s ResearchGate Profile

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