Week 10 Resources!

Congratulations on making it to week 10!

I’ve always thought that “dead week” as the calm before the storm of finals…but this morning I heard a different perspective. It’s called dead week because we’re all dead tired! I don’t know about you, but this is more descriptive of my experience this term.

Remember to take care of yourself, and that there are resources and events available to help!

My favorite week 10 event includes hot cocoa, treats, and Sam the therapy dog- how could you go wrong? Come destress at the Hot Cocoa bar in the PFSC Atrium this Friday, December 3rd from 9:00 am to 11:00 am.

If you have a long study session and don’t have time to go home, remember that there is a microwave in Break Room 101 in PFSC. This room has a camouflaged door, and is located on the right side of the hallway past the FERN study area as you head towards Richardson. If you can’t find it, ask at the Student Services desk or ask one of the FERN Center staff! Please be respectful of the shared space and clean up after yourselves.

Finals Survival Guides are available in the Academic Success Center in Waldo 125. If you need more help, schedule with a strategist to plan for success. If you are experiencing other life stressors, remember that CAPS and the HSRC are also great resources. Details for these resources can be found on our announcements page, too.

Right around midterms and finals, it can be difficult to stay motivated when we are all working so hard. I find it helpful to stay future-focused. Remember your long-term goals, and why you are here in the first place.

College is your biggest investment in yourself, and in your future.

You’ve got this!

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