This course has definitely been one of the more gratifying and enjoyable in the program. I love how we are given the ability to choose a project and implement it how ever we choose to do so. My team chose to use React, Node.js, and MongoDb as our main tech stack. I am definitely very happy we went this route. I have learned so much throughout this course and I’m excited about continuing to use these technologies in the future.
Now that we are closing in on the final weeks of this course, I am excited about our web application since it is very close to being done. It has been incredible how we were able to accomplish so much work over just a couple months. I think much of our success was due to how diligent we are about completing our work on time and communicating well. We always try to let each other know if we get stuck or need more time to work on something. This allows us to quickly pivot and give help where it is needed.
Looking back most of my experience has been very positive. There are a few things I would change however If I were to repeat this course. One thing is that I would try to do a better job at keeping up with our backlog and tasks. We used Asana for this but I saw that it was hardly ever regularly updated and the tasks on there were not specific enough. Another thing I would do a better job at is deciding on features early on. Some of our later features were introduced on the whim and I think it would have been great to have them in our plans from the start.
Overall, I had a very good experience in this course and I can see all value it offers to soon to be graduates of this program. I am glad this course gives us the opportunity to display all the skills we have learned across our time here at OSU!