Hello, my name is Alli Dixson. I am writing from the Oregon State University Extension office in Tillamook County, where I intern with the Tillamook County 4-H program. 

Allison Dixon with dairy cows in Tillamook County
Allison Dixon with dairy cows in Tillamook County

I grew up in Tillamook, Oregon, and graduated from Tillamook High School in 2021. During my time in the community, I was actively involved in 4-H and FFA. After high school, I moved to Bozeman, Montana, to pursue a degree at Montana State University. In just three years, I graduated from Montana State with a bachelor of animal science, concentrating in livestock management and industry. While at Montana State University, I participated in numerous student organizations, including Collegiate Stockgrowers, Collegiate FFA, Collegiate 4-H, and Sigma Alpha (a professional agricultural sorority). I also gained professional experience in various fields, such as veterinary medicine at a large animal veterinary clinic, early childhood education at a daycare, animal nutrition at a feed store, and extension experience at both the Montana State 4-H Center and the Tillamook County 4-H program.

After my internship with OSU this summer, I will attend Oregon State University in the fall to pursue a Master’s in Agricultural Education. Following my graduate degree, I hope to work in extension, ideally focusing on livestock.

I am about two months into my internship and have been very busy so far. My main priority has been organizing an animal science clinic, which will cover various topics related to livestock projects and industries. The clinic will address dairy cattle, beef cattle, sheep, goats, hogs, rabbits and poultry. Topics include daily care and management of animals, fair preparation, showmanship, consumer/producer relationships, marketing, selection and evaluation of livestock and basic livestock nutrition. This event will take place on July 13 at the Tillamook County Fairgrounds and is open to all youth ages 9-19.

This project has involved many skills, including planning, budgeting, cold calling, and scheduling among other things. I have communicated with industry professionals across the western United States to find facilitators for the clinic. Whether or not these experts have agreed to facilitate, I have been met with positivity and have formed new professional relationships, which I am very grateful for, as networking is always important.

In addition to the clinic planning and preparation, I have been working on other projects. I have created resources for the animal science quiz bowl at our County Fair, helped with Cloverbud day camps, attended 4-H Summer Conference as a county chaperone, assisted with preparations for camp and fair, and led workshops and training for youth members.

I am looking forward to the upcoming events and the rest of my internship, which will allow me to grow as a young professional.

Hello! My name is Marie Guthrie and I just wrapped up my second year at Oregon State University. I am majoring in apparel design and have been loving all my design-based classes. I would love to go into historical textile preservation or historic costuming as a career. I love sustainable fashion and learning more about making clothing accessible. In my free time, I enjoy learning dying arts such as tatting, crocheting lace and sewing to help preserve family traditions and history.

Marie Guthrie in the Linn County office
Marie Guthrie in the Linn County office

I am from Albany, Oregon, and am excited to serve my community this summer. 

I did 4-H as a child and it taught me a lot about sewing, leatherwork, and fiber arts. This is part of what kicked off my interest in the arts. I want to give back to the program that was a huge part of my development as a child. I still draw back on my experiences from the program to create artwork. 

I am helping with the Linn County fair and doing what I can to make the lives of the Linn County Oregon State University Extension Office workers a little bit easier. Currently, I have been working on preparations for the county fair such as getting all the auction cards and ribbons ready. Part of this will include helping set up and run the Cupcake Wars and the Flower Arranging contest. I have already learned so many valuable office skills and am excited to see all this preparation pay off in big ways.  I am happy to lend a helping hand, no matter if it is making 500 copies or making sure all the superintendent books are up to date.

This summer I would like to improve my leadership and event coordinating skills. Organizing and leadership are two things that are a bit out of my comfort zone. I can be quiet and a bit shy but I am going to push myself out of my comfort zone this summer. Jodi Hill and Andrea Leao have helped me gain confidence in myself and my ability to make decisions. With the support from the Extension office, I am confident that I am set up for success.