Holis! My name is Jazmin Contreras, and my time as the intern for the Oregon State University Extension Service in Hood River is coming to an end. This past summer has been incredible, from spending time with the amazing Extension staff, to getting to know community partners and going to Mexico again after 5 years. This summer has been beyond memorable.

A collection of images from Jazmin's internship
A collection of images from Jazmin’s internship

Since my last blog, I continued assisting with summer camp programming which was a lot of fun. On one occasion, our smoothie bike refused to smoothie (blend) and rather than be able to teach our campers the perks of a healthy smoothie, we taught them a valuable lesson in perseverance. I was very determined to get the smoothie bike to work and three calls to my supervisor and lots of pumping later, we were finally blending.

Another major component was my continued tabling. I tabled El Mercado del Valle, a back-to-school resource fair and the Hood River Latino Festival. My favorite part of tabling was being able to give my community smoke and air quality information as it became more and more pertinent to the current wildfire and smoke conditions in the Gorge. It felt rewarding to be able to give the information in Spanish to those that work in agriculture and tend to be exposed to smoke the most. Tabling alone, although nerve racking, allowed me to see my place within this community and this field of work. I am no longer just on the receiving end, I have the power to participate and facilitate change too.

The bulk of my time in this latter part of my internship has been spent on the research and writing of the 2025 Columbia Gorge Food Security Assessment background pieces. This experience really challenged my ability to self-direct and manage complex, open-ended tasks. I learned to persevere beyond my frustrations with the Bureau of Labor Statistics website and how to write and research topics that are very personal and emotional for me. This internship is not long enough for me to follow this assessment to completion, but I couldn’t be more grateful to be able to contribute to it.

While I don’t know exactly where life will take me after this, I hope it returns me to this type of work once again in my life. I hope that one day I can come back to answer all of the questions left unanswered in the food security assessment. In the meantime, I will return to Lewis & Clark College to start my third year of college. This upcoming semester, I hope to participate in the fall musical, present at the Race Monologues and begin taking classes towards my data science minor. In the spring, I will be studying abroad in Prague where I hope to take part in the International Economics and Finance Certification Program. I realize I have a very long road ahead, but as I head into the future, I will forever carry a sense of inspiration from the work I was able to partake in at OSU Extension.

Con mucho amor,
Jazmin Contreras <3

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