Hello! My name is Daisy O’Hearn, and I’m currently in the second part of my internship with Oregon State University Extension Service. This summer has been an incredibly busy and rewarding time for me, filled with a variety of projects and new experiences. As a political science major with minors in legal studies and nonprofit administration, this internship has provided me with invaluable hands-on learning opportunities that I’m truly grateful for. This is my second summer working with Extension, and I’ve had the privilege of working with both 4-H and, for the first time, the Master Gardener program.

Daisy O'Hearn performing health checks on animals at the Lincoln County fair.
Daisy O’Hearn performing health checks on animals at the Lincoln County fair.

My journey with OSU Extension began long before this internship. I was a 4-H member for 10 years, and last summer, I had the opportunity to intern with the organization. These experiences have greatly shaped my understanding of community outreach and education. I’m particularly thankful to Heather, the Lincoln County Extension Agent, for her guidance and for trusting me to take the lead on several projects. Her support has made me feel truly welcomed and valued as part of the team.

At the fair, I got to work closely with animals and help in the static building, which was a lot of fun. I also pitched in with printing tasks and assisted the judges. But I think my favorite part was spending time at the Extension booth. Celia August taught me how to build a sales pitch and explain OSU Extension’s mission to people who weren’t familiar with it. I really enjoyed connecting with the public and sharing what OSU Extension is all about.

In addition to my work at the fair, I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with the Master Gardener program. One of my key projects was creating a “How To” guide for the Master Gardeners on using and creating QR codes. This project taught me the importance of breaking down tasks into clear, manageable steps, and it was rewarding to see the final product come together. On the 4-H side, I’m currently developing a salesmanship clinic. I’m putting together a presentation that I’ll record, so 4-H members can continue to benefit from it even after my internship ends. Salesmanship is important because it enhances effective communication skills. And it is useful not only for selling products but also for presentations, interviews and advancing careers. I believe anyone can develop salesmanship skills, and I’m excited to help 4-Hers grow in this area.

As I reflect on my experiences, I’m filled with gratitude for the opportunities I’ve had to learn and grow through my work with Extension. The summer has flown by, but I’ve gained so much knowledge and experience that I know will stay with me for years to come. I look forward to hopefully continuing my work with Extension in the future. I am excited to see how the skills I’ve developed this summer will shape my career path. Thank you for following along with my journey!

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