My summer with OSU Extension has been amazing! I have learned a lot and made many new connections. My knowledge has become deeper and I am grateful for every experience that I have had working here.

Ashley Treadwell and Madeline Breiling at the Oregon State Extension farmers market booth in Pendleton.
Ashley Treadwell and Madeline Breiling at the Oregon State Extension farmers market booth in Pendleton. Photo: Carolina Muniz

The goal that I had going into this internship was integrating Food Hero recipes into the high school demographics. So, I went to the high school summer school classes and taught them some recipes. I did five classes for the morning group of students and two for the afternoon group. For the morning classes I focused on demonstrating breakfast recipes. For example, we made Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies, zucchini muffins, and smoothies to name a few. For the afternoon classes I did One Pan Chicken Alfredo and Any berry Sauce, which went on top of the ice cream they made the last day of class. Each class I instructed the students enjoyed, which makes me hopeful that they will use these recipes at home.

One part of this internship I enjoyed was teaching the Growing Healthy Kids Curriculum to 2nd graders in Umatilla. My supervisor, Carolina, presented the slides and I led the physical activities. Every time, all the kids were eager to participate in the exercise I had chosen for the specific lesson. After the lesson was taught, we immediately dove into making a food hero recipe that correlated. Most of them were willing to try new foods, which they ended up taking a liking to.

One struggle I overcame working in this internship was presenting in front of groups. Although I had previous practice with talking in front of large groups, I still was not completely comfortable. Through the cooking classes that I was involved in, I believe this skill has strengthened and I am far better than when I began. This internship pushed me to develop many skills that were weak, of which I am appreciative. This will help prepare me for college and my future career.

A key takeaway I have from my time at the extension is that education is important within the community and people are willing to learn. Many are trying to better themselves and lead a healthier lifestyle, but just need a little help. OSU Extension provides this help to those who seek it, it is a great resource.


-Ashley Treadwell

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