Hello again everyone! My name is Forrest Pratt, and I am wrapping up my Oregon State University Extension internship for the summer. I have had the great pleasure and privilege of working under the SNAP-Ed program in Linn and Benton counties.

Oregon State Extension "Blender Bike". Stationary bike that powers a blender.
Oregon State University Extension “Blender Bike”. Photo: Forrest Pratt

I have spent this summer supporting Food Hero’s community outreach programming. This has given me lots of opportunities to practice planning events and learning from previous events to plan to make future ones more successful. Putting on programs with a food component was new to me, so I learned a lot about how to make the tasting events go well. I always enjoyed bringing the food I made out to people in the community. Providing recipe tastings at farmers markets gave people the chance to try something new and gave me a chance to talk to them about how to include more fruits and vegetables into their lives.

In addition to the farmers markets, I’ve had a few opportunities to teach nutrition lessons to local youth camps and clubs. These events are always a lot of fun, and it’s very rewarding to chat with kids and families about healthy eating! One of the highlights of these classes has been bringing our blender bike, which blends a smoothie when the bike is pedaled. The kids are always very excited to try it and are more open to trying a new food when they were a part of making it.

My experience this summer has also opened my eyes to what goes on behind the scenes to make this kind of work happen. I got to learn about and help with a lot of the planning, preparation and collaboration that is necessary to get these events out to the public.

Overall, this has been a great summer of learning for me. I have a greater understanding of nutrition and food equity issues, and I will bring that with me into my future work in education and community outreach. I’m so grateful for all the people I worked with this summer – everyone at Extension has been so kind and welcoming and their support has made this summer so much easier and more fun!

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