A woman standing waist deep in a pool wipes the water from her eyes after being splashed by children.
Ashley gets splashed by day camp participants at the YMCA pool.
Photo credit: Lisa Parlette

Hi everyone! I’m Ashley Armstrong, intern for the OSU Extension 4-H Youth Development program in Josephine County this summer. This fall I’m headed into my senior year at OSU, majoring in agricultural science with minors in leadership and agricultural education. I graduated from 4-H in Josephine County back in 2020, and it was actually my time in the program and my trip to 4-H National Congress in 2021 that inspired me to do the work I am now, as well as to pursue a career in 4-H after graduation. My supervisor, Lisa Parlette, has already taught me so many things that will be incredibly useful in my future regarding things like program planning and delivery.

This last week we finished up our last day camp, and while they have been incredibly fun I am glad we will now have more time to prepare for our upcoming county fair. Of the three week-long camps that we held, my favorite was the Wonder of Water. We got to learn more about the water cycle, how Grants Pass filters water from the Rogue River for us all to use at home and how water moves. Plus, we got to go swimming every day. All of our youth participants seemed to have a wonderful time, and it was amazing to get connect with them and teach.

This summer is certainly a special one for 4-H in Josephine County, and I am so thankful for all of the public support I have been seeing throughout the county with my work. Lisa, Keith Hall (the 4-H program assistant,) and I have been hard at work preparing everything for fair, and we are incredibly excited for what is in store for our 4-H’ers this year. Our goal is to keep our participants happy, safe, and learning at fair to show Josephine County that 4-H is a place for all youth to thrive, be accepted as who they are, and to learn and grow both within their projects and within themselves. As a 4-H alumni from this county, I can tell you that is absolutely what this program is all about.

See you at the fair! It’s bound to be fun for the whole herd.

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