
Eric’s Blog#9

#Week 9

For this week, I am working on the shop page which shows the pet shops are closing to the users. This function took the react js google map function. I have to get the API key from the database and implement it into the website. The main difficulty of this function is to transfer the zipcode to the coordinate and filter the pet store. Now, I am still working on how to transfer the zipcode to the coordinate. Other than that, I will spend more time preparing for the final.

I have one presentation and two exams for next week. It might take most of my time for this weekend. My team is planning to meet on Sunday to show the progress and discuss the difficulties on the parts.

The good thing this week is, I got a puppy that is two months old. It is a pomapoo so it will be a tiny dog. He just arrived at our house this Friday. Thus, he is not eating that much. Hope he could be a healthy dog!

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